

Is there any connection between Jesus and Allah?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

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11y ago

Yes. Allah is the Muslim name for God. Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Jesus is the son of God and part of the Trinity. Allah is the same as God the Father. Muslims look differently on Jesus, seeing him as a great prophet.

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