

Is there any cure for SLE through cord blood stem cells?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is there any cure for SLE through cord blood stem cells?
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Adult stem cells from cord blood?

It's confirmed stem cells from cord blood is as effective as stem cells from embryo. The cord blood can cure fatal diseases and you can read stories of success in the blog provided below.

What is the use of a cord blood bank?

Cord blood stem cells are stored inside a nitrogen-filled freezer. These stem cells are used to cure fatal diseases like cancers, brain tumors, cerebral palsy, diabetes, Parkinsons, etc.

What is the different between cord blood and cord matrix?

A cord blood is the type of stem cells you can get when a newborn's umbilical cord is removed. While a cord matrix is the cushioning material found within the umbilical cord. Both of them contain stem cells and it can cure fatal diseases like cancers, diabetes, etc. Successful stories can be read in the blog provided.

What is a benefit of blood cord over bone marrow for transplant?

These two transplants are similar because they use stem cells as their way to cure a person's malignant disease. The only big difference is stem cells used in cord blood transplant come from a newborn's umbilical cord. This cord is commonly referred to as cord blood and it is similarly effective as the stem cells found in bone marrow. One cord blood might not be enough to cure an adult. An adult needs two units of cord blood to get cured.

Can the cord blood from your baby cure your diabetes?

Yes. It is already confirmed cord blood can cure diabetes. You can find a story in the blog attached, it's in there.

What are composition of cord blood?

A cord blood is rich in stem cells and it can cure fatal diseases such as cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's etc. For more successful life stories about cord blood, you can visit the blog attached. All other relevant information you might be interested to know are also there.

Will cord blood help with injuries to the pons of the brain?

Yes. There are studies that confirm cord blood can cure any type of brain damage.

Should you keep your baby's cord blood?

Yes. Consider it as a health investment if you store your baby's cord blood in a family bank. If a family member is sick, the cord blood can be used to cure him or her. Successful stories about cord blood banking in the blog provided.

What are cord bloods good for?

The cord blood can cure fatal diseases such as cancers, diabetes, cerebral palsy, Parkinsons, etc.

Why is cord blood a valuable resource?

Cord blood contains stem cells and it's confirmed these stem cells can cure malignant diseases such as cancers (Acute Leukemia, Chronic Leukemia, Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Myelodysplastic Syndrome), blood disorders, immune disorders, metabolic disorders, brain injury. cerebral palsy, type-1 diabetes and hearing loss.

What are 5 pros on cord blood?

1) A cord blood can cure fatal diseases like cancers, diabetes, cerebral palsy, etc. 2) A cord blood can be donated in public cord blood bank for free. 3) Storing cord in a private cord blood bank is a health investment, if your budget allows it. 4) Harvesting cord blood is 100% safe and fast. The procedure does not harm the mother or the baby. 5) There are already hundreds of successful stories about cord blood transplant in the world. You can read it in the blog provided.

Storing Umbilical Cord Blood?

Anticipating the birth of a child is an exciting and joyful time. Expectant parents eagerly look forward to holding their new baby and begin making important decisions that will follow their child for a lifetime. One choice that many parents do not realize they can make is storing their baby’s umbilical cord blood. The collection and storage of umbilical cord blood gives parents the ability to provide potentially life-saving stem cells to their child, a family member or even a complete stranger. The stem cells in umbilical cord blood are unique and cannot be reproduced. Cord stem cells have the ability to grow into a multitude of cells including blood and immune system cells. Transplants of umbilical cord stem cells have many medical uses and can be used in the treatment or cure of many devastating diseases. Cord stem cells are also used in medical research. The collection of umbilical cord blood is not harmful or painful to the child or the mother. Blood is drawn from the umbilical cord after the baby is born. It is then sent to a storage facility and stored until it is used for medical purposes or research. There are two options in the storage of umbilical cord blood. Public banks accept donations of umbilical cord blood for use by the public. Once sent to a public bank, umbilical cord blood is listed anonymously by tissue type and is used for transplantation or research. Cord blood stored in a public bank cannot be guaranteed to be available if the donor or donor’s family develops a need for the stem cells later in life. There is not a charge to donate umbilical cord blood to a public bank. Umbilical cord blood stored in a family bank is linked to the donor. This blood can be retrieved by the donor or the donor’s family if needed. Parents maintain control or custody of the blood until the child reaches adulthood. Family banks generally cost from $1000 to $2000 in initial fees and then $125 annually thereafter. The collection and storage of umbilical cord blood must be arranged before delivery. Parents who wish to store cord blood usually begin making preparations before the third trimester. Mothers who are going to have cord blood collected should be sure their physician is aware and make it a part of her delivery plan.