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well yeh .they are both highly flammable and can explode easily when heated to much by the sun.a little spark from your generator could prove to be fatal. they also harm the earth and increases global warming

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Q: Is there any damage using mixed diesel with kerosene in generators?
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Can a mix of kerosene and diesel be mixed?

We do it in the winter. It may be illegal as you do not pay road tax on kerosene.

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What will happen if you mix diesel and gasoline?

Mix diesel in a gasoline engine and it will stall or run very poorly depending on how much you mixed in. Mix gasoline in a diesel engine and you will have engine damage.

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What happens when you mix gas and diesel?

In small amounts diesel will not affect operation, but eventually as the mixture becomes more diesel than gas it will not burn in a gasoline car, and will damage a diesel vehicle. If you have mixed more than 5% diesel with your gas you should probably drain and start over to avoid damage.

What happens when you mix gas and diesel together in cars?

In small amounts diesel will not affect operation, but eventually as the mixture becomes more diesel than gas it will not burn in a gasoline car, and will damage a diesel vehicle. If you have mixed more than 5% diesel with your gas you should probably drain and start over to avoid damage.

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When water and kerosene are mixed kerosene will float on top.

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Kerosene and home heating oil can be mixed in a oil furnace. Kerosene is thinner than heating oil. Mixed together will make the furnace burn cleaner.

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Kerosine forms a layer when mixed with water because it is lighter than water While glycerene does not form a layer

Can a diesel car run on engine oil?

yes it can, mixed with petrol. 5litres diesel to .5l of petrol. mixed it up and ur good to go.