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Nothing, sorry to say my dad is a person who studys space and all the planets. its not possible for jupiter to have water.

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There is evidence of some water vapor or water ices in Jupiter's atmosphere, but the amounts would be described as "scant".

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Q: Is there any water present in any form on Jupiter?
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Is there any life form on Jupiter?

We have not examined the planet Jupiter very closely, but to the best of our present knowledge, no, there are no life forms on Jupiter.

Is there water in the air you breathe in?

Yes Jupiter does have water. But it isn't "on" Jupiter. It is in the form of water vapor in the cloud tops. Jupiter does not have any air on it. If you travel to Jupiter, you will not be able to breathe because Jupiter's air is Just Gas. But if you wear An astronaut helmet then maybe you can breathe a little bit.

What forms of water is on Jupiter or on Jupiter's moon?

Because Jupiter is a gas planet and does not have the correct elements to make water Jupiter does not have any water on it. But one of Jupiter's moons, Europa, has ice, a form of water. The the cracks in the moon suggest that there is an an ocean or source of water under the surface, and when the planet shifts and cracks the water that comes to the surface freezes.

Is there water (vapor) in the air you breathe?

Yes Jupiter does have water. But it isn't "on" Jupiter. It is in the form of water vapor in the cloud tops. Jupiter does not have any air on it. If you travel to Jupiter, you will not be able to breathe because Jupiter's air is Just Gas. But if you wear An astronaut helmet then maybe you can breathe a little bit.

Does Jupiter have anything unique like storms volcanoes water or life?

Jupiter has storms, but this is hardley unique; storms of some form or another occur on every planet in our solar system except for Mercury. Evidence suggests that some water is present on Jupiter as ice crystals and possible tiny droplets in its clouds. Jupiter does not have any volcanoes as it has no solid surface. There is no life on Jupiter. Earth is the only place in the universe known to harbor life.

Is there water present in any form of titan?

Yes. There is plenty of ice.

Is there water in any form on jupiters moon?

The US space agency's data from a planetary missions shows what appears to be a large body of water beneath Jupiter's ice-covered moon Europa. Similar deposits are thought to be present on Ganymede and Callisto.

Is there any water on any of Jupiter's moon's?


Has any life been found on Jupiter?

Not at the present time.

Is there any water present in any form on Venus?

There is a small amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. It is far too hot for liquid water.

Is there water present in any form in the sun?

no there is not because the suns extreme hot surface

Are there any chemicals that can make to be able to drink on Jupiter?

Not in form that you could presently drink, but with some processing, yes. There is water vapor in Jupiter's atmosphere. With the right equipment you could extract and purify it for drinking.