

Best Answer

Sure there many kinds from grants for single mothers like ( Childcare - Healthcare - Food and Supplies -Transportation - Rent Assistance - College Grants ) just all you need for get this grants apply application and waiting reply..

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Q: Is there any help to single mothers with no parents?
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Are there any websites offering financial aid for single mothers?

You can go to to find financial aid for single mothers

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There probably are, go find them.

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Is there any financial aids especially for single mothers?

There is welfare available for single mothers. You can obtain an application for welfare at your local government center. You can also go to your State's homepage and request an application be sent to you.

What is the difference of single African mothers and single American mothers?

Culturally we are different than any mother on the face of the planet. Take for instance how a single African American mother expects her child to communicate with her. Most African American children are taught from a very early age to have the utmost respect for their parents and other adults. As a single African American mother I have had the displeasure of watching other cultures and the level of respect that their children show them is truly disgraceful. This does not suggest that some of the children in the African American culture are not disrespectful but for the most part they understand their role as the child and their parents role as the parent. If you are asking this question there is no way that you are of this culture and if by chance you are think about what makes of different from other single mothers all over the world.

Are there any dating site for single parents?

Dating after being a single parent may be hard to do without any help. The websites that you see on your tv ads like are a great way to get you foot in the dating seen again.

Single fathers can raise children on their own?

Of course they can. Single mothers do it all the time, so why would a man be any less capable?

Are there any events in the Los Angeles area for single parents to meet up?

There are several groups in Los Angeles for single parents. A few of them are The SoCal Singles Mamas and Papas, The Redondo Beach Single Parents Meetup Group, Long Beach Working Parents, Single Mom Tribe and Conscious Parents.

In Toronto Ontario is there any agency who support or help single parrents?

The most popular support group for single parents in Ontario is called: Parents without Partners. You can find more information on the Parents without Partners organization from the URL posted below (copy and paste into browser address bar):

Are there scholarships for mothers?

Yes, there are many scholoarships and grants avialable not only to single mothers, but to any mother going back to school. Use governemnt based sites:

Are there any support groups for single parents?

There are many support groups for single parents. You can search on the web or look in your local newspaper for groups in your area. I cannot suggest any without knowing where you are located.