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Q: Is there any impulses or surgery for panic disorder?
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What is nerve disorder?

Any condition or disease which interferes with the conduction of impulses is a nerve disorder. Examples of some are polio, MS, schawnnomas and neurofibromas.

What is the difference between panic disorder and anxiety attacks or arent there any?

PANIC DISORDER is just a way of lableing someone who has anxiety attacks.A PANIC ATTACK is just a more intense form of an anxiety attack. Avoiding these situations is the best way to eliminate these feelings.

Is there a connection between abuse and panic disorder?

I'm not a psychologist but common sense tells me that there is a connection between abuse and panic disorder. Why? Because abuse causes fear and panic disorder is what: Fear! So, having taken that first step in connecting the abuse with a panic disorder, you've made huge progress. Now you can move on to learning to forgive the abuser and putting the fear behind you. Once you've totally forgiven the person and have no more reason to fear him (or her) and no more reason to hold it against him (because you've forgiven him), you free yourself and hopefully your fears and phobias will subside. BUT, oftentimes panic disorder, anxiety and phobias are caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. Medicine can help that. And psychological counseling can help you deal with any environmental factors such as abuse or other issues (such as post traumatic stress disorder) that may feed anxiety.

What can you do if you have a panic disorder?

This really depends on the condition of your disorder. If it is really affecting your life and causing you any amount of distress then i would recommend talking to your gp or doctor to see if he could recommend anything to help your situation.

When I leave my dog for any periods of time she has uncontrollable panic attacks when I return.Is this severe separation disorder syndrome in dogs or something else?


Can a panic attack cause a seizure?

No. A panic attack is caused by an emotional disorder, while a seizure is caused by a physical condition. If you were having a seizure you would not be aware of things around you, nor would you have any control over your body. In a panic attack you are extremely aware of your body and your surroundings, and have control of your body.

Does chest pain and breathlessness occur while having panic disorder and having them even when relaxed?

Yes it does. Often people having their first panic attack, go to hospital thinking they are having a heart attack. Its not a heart attack, its chest pain associated with panic attacks. Breathlessness is also a symptom. And yes these attacks can pop up at any time, even when you are relaxed.

Does any members of panic at the disco have a book?

No members of Panic! At The Disco have released a book.

what is the criteria for people who needsd gastric bypass surgery?

People who need gastric bypass surgery are often morbidly obese and they are unable to follow through with any other method of weight loss, wither through physical disability or because they have an obsessive eating disorder.

Was any members of panic at the disco girls?


What should you do after any natural disaster?

Not panic.

Do you need a hysterectomy if you bleed for weeks?

no it is not necessary. first of all get USG (sonography) done if doctors find out any abnormality they can advice you either medicines or if condition is serious, surgery. but do not panic it might be just a minor ailment.