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HIV has nothing to do with syphilis.

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Q: Is there any link between syphilis and HIV?
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What is the difference beteen hiv positive and hiv negative?

There is a huge difference between them. HIV Positive means that the test found HIV-Antibodies in your blood (you can find them in the mouth sometimes). A HIV-Negative test means that the solution did not find any signs of HIV in your body and your in great shape.

What are the viruses for a pregnant women?

HIV virus, and many zoonotic virus can pass through placenta i.e. by transplacental route.

Can STDs have mental effects?

Late-stage syphilis and late-stage HIV can affect the brain. Any STD, however, may cause anxiety or sadness, particularly if the affected person did not believe themself to be at risk.

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Any link exist between sodium chloride and autotrophy.No.

Can you get HIV at the age of 10?

You can get HIV at any age. But only from: * a blood transfusion that was not screened properly * a dirty needle that was not sterilised properly * having sex without a condom Read this link: *

What is the difference between HIV-1 HIV-2?

Not much difference. They are both strains of the HIV virus and both can lead to AIDS and other opportunistic diseases. HIV-2 strain is found mostly in West Africa, with hardly any found in the US and other Western countries.

Can you be a dental assistant if you are HIV positive?

Yes. You can have any job you want if you are HIV+

Are there any signs immediately after infection that a person is HIV positive?

No, there are not any signs immediately after infection that a person is HIV positive.

Is there any link between Morocco and Hermes?

Not in the Greek myths.

Do any rapper have hiv?


Do syphillis have a cure?

Syphilis is curable, but any damage from the infection can not be reversed.

Is there any chance of not getting hiv after sleepin with sumone who is positive?

There is a chance that the person would not be HIV+.