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Q: Is there any medicine to make infertile to to be fertile?
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Why are people infertile?

They are many reason why people are infertile of them it is radiation.Long time radiation for any reason can make males infertile.Other causative agent can be genetic or physiologic. Using testosterone can make males infertile.

Do all eggs turn into chicks?

The eggs have to be fertilized before being laid in order to "grow" a chick. No most hens eggs for the human food chain are infertile all eggs are screened for fertility (blood spot in egg if fertile) any fertile eggs are removed before packaging. Most battery eggs are infertile, there is more chance of a fertile egg from free range chickens.

Does patti Boyd have a sister?

Boyd was infertile and never had any children.

What are the uses of infertile animals in breeding?

Infertile animals are not able to have offspring of their own - so are not of any direct value in breeding. Infertile animals may be introduced into populations as a means of population control - for pest species. Sterile males may also be used to see if females are receptive for mating purposes before the intended male mate is transported. An example of this is in the horse breeding industry - where they wish to know whether to bring the stallion in to service the mare. However, a fertile pony, who is unable to breed with the mare - but technically fertile - is usually used.

Is there any pills can make you fertile for the whole month?

Parlodel or Clomid.

Do all eggs laid have the potential to hatch?

The eggs have to be fertilized before being laid in order to "grow" a chick. No most hens eggs for the human food chain are infertile all eggs are screened for fertility (blood spot in egg if fertile) any fertile eggs are removed before packaging. Most battery eggs are infertile, there is more chance of a fertile egg from free range chickens.

Is there any medicine for becoming fat?

No.. either way you meant that question. You cannot buy medicine that will make you fat and cannot buy medicine that will make you thin.

Why didn't Julia Child have any children?

she was infertile when she was married at 34

How do you make soil more fertile?

by adding chicken dung,pigs "popo" or any biodegradable waste!

Is it safe for people to take medicine even though it make them feel like they are going to vomit?

If the medicine make you want to puke, it's better if you don't take that medicine, because that can means your body can't tolerate the medicine. Besides that, if you take the medicine, and after that you throw it up, it doesn't make any effect of medicine in your body, because the medicine isn't work yet.

Can an adult lizard and a juvenile lizard be bred?

Any eggs will most likey be infertile.

Why do Mallard hens lay infertile eggs?

Chicken eggs are only fertile if they have been fertilized. The kind that people generally buy in supermarkets or grocery stores, in order to eat them, are infertile and contain no embryo. Eggs can only be fertile if the hens that lay them are around roosters, and nearly all eggs sold in stores are produced in factory farms where the hens are restricted and never see a rooster. Any that potentially would have a rooster in the flock will be specifically labeled. Even eggs labeled "free-range" are not going to be fertile if there are no roosters in the flock.