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Q: Is there any other identifying characteristics of botulism?
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Are there any other identifying characteristics of salmonella typhimurium such as tattoos?

There are some characteristics. -3 tails -little brown spots all over it -bluish glow

What organism causes Botulism?

Foodborne botulism comes from eating food that has the botulism toxin in it. Foodborne botulism usually comes from eating home-canned food. Any food may have botulism. Botulism is tasteless, odorless, and has no color. Wound botulism comes from having a sore, a cut, or a skin opening. Wound botulism usually comes from injecting street drugs. Foodborne botulism comes from eating food that has the botulism toxin in it. Foodborne botulism usually comes from eating home-canned food. Any food may have botulism. Botulism is tasteless, odorless, and has no color. Wound botulism comes from having a sore, a cut, or a skin opening. Wound botulism usually comes from injecting street drugs. ==Another Answer== The most common organism that causes Botulism is Clostridium botulinum.

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mars does not have a ring or any other special characteristics

What kind of gun does myself have all it has on it is a 7?

Your question cannot be answered due to a lack of pertinent information. If you can describe the firearm (rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver), what caliber it is and any other identifying characteristics, then perhaps we can ID your gun.

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No, i do not beileve so.

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A streak test can be helpful identifying any minerals!

What is the most likely cause of botulism?

Botulism results from the contamination of food by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which releases toxic by-products as it grows anaerobically. Damaged or dented cans, or improper canning, can allow botulism to affect the food inside.

Do white tigers have any characteristics?

Apart from their whitish appearance, they are the same as any other tiger.

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In principle, the same as the characteristics of any other person. Being born in a certain year won't have any effect on your character.

Can botulism grow in cream cheese that is unopened?

Of course! Despite the best (or typical) practices of any producer of food, any product can become contaminated. If cream cheese is contaminated with the bacteria that produce botulism, they will most likely grow, especially as the cream cheese is wrapped in a foil type material that excludes air. (Botulism bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they grow without air / oxygen.)

Do buyers tend to share any other characteristics?

Buyers? As in customers? Well, no I really wouldn't think a "buyer" would share characteristics...