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Technically, probably not. Physical science is the kind that deals with the actual, interactive world (as opposed to theoretical physics). Introductory geology textbooks are often called "PHysical Geology", as a nod to the basic, rock-based study of general geology.

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3d ago

Yes, physical geology is a branch of geology that focuses on the materials and processes that shape the Earth, such as minerals, rocks, plate tectonics, and landforms. It involves studying the physical properties and processes of the Earth's structure.

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What is the past tense of geology?

Since "geology" is a noun, it doesn't have any tenses. Only verbs have tenses.

What GCSEs do you need to be a geologist?

In order to become a geologist you would normally need a minimum of an undergraduate degree in geology or a related field.As geology is a science which encompasses all three of the main branches of scientific study - Physics, Chemistry and Biology (with the first two being of greater importance), GCSEs in these subjects will all be important. Mathematics will also play a significant role in geology and an extremely significant role if geophysics modules are also to be studied as part of a university geology course.An understanding of surface landforms and their formation may prove useful so physical geography may be an appropriate area of study but is by no means vital.A practising geologist is expected to be able to effectively communicate their knowledge in the form of technical scientific reports and verbally in the form of presentations. As such a strong grasp of spoken and written English will be important (this is true for any scientific or engineering job however).Also it is worth remembering that the majority of universities require a minimum of 2 science A-level subjects (out of the 3 subjects studied) for acceptance on a geology undergraduate course.Based on the above, the subjects highlighted in bold in the text above are likely to be the most important.

What is it called At 362011 feet the deepest known portion of the ocean floor?

There is no part of any ocean on earth that is 362011 feet below the surface.

What is a meteroroid called when it hits earth?

A meteoroid is called a meteor when it enters Earth's atmosphere and creates a streak of light in the sky due to the heat generated by friction. If any part of the meteoroid survives the journey and hits the ground, it is then considered a meteorite.

What is part of a system having uniform composition and properties?

A homogeneous system is part of a system with uniform composition and properties, where the components are evenly distributed and indistinguishable at a macroscopic level. Examples include a well-mixed solution or a single-phase alloy.

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2 physical sciences used in geography?

Do you mean geology?If so, physics and chemistry. There isn't really any science in geography.

What is a physical feature on a human?

A physical feature on a human is any characteristic related to the body, such as height, weight, skin color, or eye shape. These features are determined by a combination of genetics, environment, and personal factors.

Two studies that come under Earth?

Take your pick from any of the following: atmospheric chemistry, climatology, meteorology, hydrometeorology, paleoclimatology, biogeography, paleontology, palynology, micropaleontology, geomicrobiology, geoarchaeology, hydrology, geohydrology, limnology, oceanography, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography, biological oceanography, geological oceanography, paleoceanography, geology, economic geology, engineering geology, environmental geology, quaternary geology, planetary geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology, geography, physical geography, geochemistry, geomorphology, geophysics, geochronology, geodynamics, geomagnetism, gravimetry, seismology, glaciology, hydrogeology, mineralogy, crystallography, gemology, petrology, speleology, volcanology, soil science, edaphology, pedology, cartography, geoinformatics, geostatistics and geodesy, to name but a few.

My school doesn't offer GCSE Geology so what GCSEs are best for Geology A-levels?

Geology is a mixture of all the sciences so the separate GCSEs in physics, biology and chemistry will all be useful. There is also a cross over between physical geography and geology so this may also be a good choice. Also mathematics is clearly important in the study of any science subject (although I assume Maths is a compulsory GCSE).

What is the past tense of geology?

Since "geology" is a noun, it doesn't have any tenses. Only verbs have tenses.

Are there any Geology words that start with Q?


Which term describes a part of the examination when the patient's physical characteristics and body parts are observed?

This part of the examination is called inspection. During inspection, the healthcare provider visually examines the patient's physical characteristics and body parts for any abnormalities, such as changes in color, shape, size, or movement.

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She doesn't play any part in the murder of King Duncan.

When a substance from any state of matter to another is called a?

This is called a change in the physical state of the substance. For example formation of ice from water is a change in the physical state of water.

What is enlargement of part of spine called?

depends on what part of the spine you are talking about. Generally any enlargement is called hypertrophy.

What is any change in size shape or volume of matter called?

Physical Change

What is any change in matter that changes its physical form called?

A change in matter that changes its physical form is called a physical change. This type of change does not alter the chemical composition of the substance, but only its physical properties such as shape, size, or state (solid, liquid, gas).