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Q: Is there any reason why a 1800 Watt immersion element deep fryer can't be used for a steamer or a boiler?
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Can tortilla chips be heated in a food steamer?

yes it can be heated there is no reason why it cant be heated so yea it can be heated=

Why economiser is used in boiler?

An economizer is used to heat boiler feedwater up closer to the temperature of the boiler water, using heat from the boiler exhaust gases, heat that would otherwise be wasted. The main reason is to improve the efficiency of the boiler. For every 44 degree F drop in exhaust gas temp. there is an 11 F rise in feedwater temperature and a 1% gain in boiler efficiency.

Why can't I put lard in my deep fat fryer?

Lard has a low smoking temperature and would burn and cause the food to taste burnt as well---------------The real reason you can't put lard in most fryers is that many have an immersion element that supplies the heat. If a solid is heated, total immersion is not achieved and creates a real risk of fire as that element will sputter and overheat as it fails to effectively transfer its energy through the oil. The dripping lard on the OVER heated element may lead to combustion -a fire (I asked a manufacturer).Because the heating element can melt just the lard around it to flame, while the rest remains solid, use a frier where the heating element has no contact with the lard. I use a Presto CoolDaddy with a removable pot.

What is the smallest element and its reason?

Hydrogen. It's reason is to be Hydrogen.

Why does gas boiler keep cutting out?

i am no expert - but the reason my boiler cuts out is a fall in the system pressure due to a leaking membrane in the expansion tank. I have to keep the pressure up by adding new water to the system. Bill

Why water is only used for produce the steam in boiler?

only water is used in boilers to reduce the cost. and if other liquid like petrochemicals will be used than the cost will be more and there will be the higher risk because if the boiler bursts than it will cause more damage than water boiler.

What is a statement describing the reason for encounter and is a history element?

Chief Complaint

What is a statement describing the reason for the encounter and is a history element?

Chief Complaint

What is the meaning or reason for the name of the chemical element Silver?

The symbol Ag for silver stands for the element's original name, which was argentum (Latin for silver).

Where can one find information on the most common causes of boiler breakdowns?

The most common reason for a boiler to breakdown is due to loss of pressure. Loss of pressure may have been gradual and you may have heard water sloshing around the radiators for a week or two, or found radiators would not stay bled, after bleeding them.

Why is element bigger than atom?

These words have similar meanings in that an element is made of a specific kind of atom. There is no particular reason why the word element has 7 letters and atom has only 4; that is a linguistic accident.

Why is argon the last element in its period?

The reason Argon is the last element in its period is that it has the highest atomic number in its period, and that's the way all periods are arranged.