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Q: Is there any way that breech positioned child can be born normally?
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What does it mean if the babys head is down in the stomach?

breech. lol. Edit: it does NOT mean breech ! A 'breech' baby is one that's positioned with the head uppermost in the womb !

What do they call a child that was delivered foot first in childbirth?

When a baby is born both feet first or one foot first, this is called a footling breech.

When was Kathryn Breech born?

Kathryn Breech was born on February 26, 19??,.

When was Jim Breech born?

Jim Breech was born on April 11, 1956, in Sacramento, California, USA.

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A firstborn child is the first one born to a couple or individual; normally the eldest child.

Which end of the chicken egg comes out first?

The end where the baby chick's head was positioned. Otherwise it would have been born backwards or what is commonly known as breech birth. Chicken's may be dumb but that at least know which way is up!

What personality if Born breech?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that being born breech (feet or buttocks first) has any direct impact on a person's personality traits. Personality is influenced by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and experiential factors, not the position in which one was born.

What is it called when a baby is born bottom first with the legs stuck ankles near the ears?

That is called a Breech delivery, named after Frank Breech.

Can a child function normally if born without both frontal lobes?

go away

What happens if your baby doesn't flip before birth?

This is called "breech position." Breech position is when the baby's head is near the top of the uterus and the legs are near the cervix. Most breech babies are born by the way of c-section.

Are sheep born head first or feet first?

bao's first. Normally sheep are born with the two front feet first and the head between, but they can also be born back legs first - but be careful of dystocia when they are breech, one leg forward, one back or twins mixed up.

What is the opposite of being born breech?

Being born head first. The medical term is being "vertex."