

Best Answer

Yes and No. Dreams can sometimes be really recurrent. There are time when a dream repeated for a few night independent of my will. I can recall atleast 5 to six particular dreams that I know I had had far more than once, each a repeat. Some happening the exact same way each time as well.

However there is also the dreams that may be brought about of your own will.

A few years back I had learned how to control your dreams. (Yes it is possible.)

I brought previous dreams back before. Also I have managed continuation dreams.

One night I was fighting a war. The next day I (seriously) continued from where I awoke.

And the day after that I finished the war within my dream (as three parts ultimately).

Believe me this was my intention and I could remember the details, and recalled before I slept.

Control of dreams is possible and bringing the back is too.

Its actually not the easiest thing to learn or acquire but the level 1 concept

is realizing your in a dream, when you dream.

The other levels such as controlling a dream within a dream, continuating a dream,

dream-change, willed object materialization within the dream.....(Levels Yes)

In the end it is possible, I know.

A different response:

Practically speaking, no, it is not possible to go back and see your previous dreams. Most dreams are only "mental muddle," impressions flitting through transient dreams while the subconscious mind is sorting through the thoughts, impressions and experiences of the past day. It is not known whether such dreams are stored in either long or short-term memory.

Other dreams of the sort that hold messages from the subconscious self, occasionally can be recovered if one is able to remember some snippet of detail, then use that impression to remember the rest of the dream. The effort is something like catching the end of a thread, then carefully rolling it up until one has the whole spool. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis might aid this process, although little if any research has been published in this regard. But once every memory is gone, past dreams cannot be recovered.

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