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The only place in Florida that has what most people consider "rapids" is at Big Shoals and Little Shoals areas on the Suawanee River. When the river is above a certain waterline both of these areas have class 2 rapids, with one area (at Big Shoals) that has a few class 3 falls. To a seasoned veteran however, these rapids are fairly mundane.

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Q: Is there any white water rafting in Florida?
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Where Can One Find White Water Rafting?

You can find white water rafting at any major rafting company that is adjacent to a rushing river or body of water that allows for white water rafting. There are any of these all over the world.

How old should a child be to take on a white water rafting trip?

Depending on the age of the child, they might actually enjoy white water rafting. Be sure to check with the company you are planning to go with and make sure they don't have any age restrictions.

Are there any good places to go rafting near Bristol, Va?

There are over a dozen places to rent white water rafting equipment along the Watauga River in the Bristol, VA area.

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Long explanation. You can do any of the following below. (Add answers below, but don't erase any)Toss them in the dishwasher.Sponge and soap.Sprinkler.Go on a white-water rafting trip. Pour Javex and dish soap in the water before you go down.

What three outdoor activities you could participate in when the outdoor temperature is 37 degrees Celsius?

Swimming, white water rafting, knee boarding. Any water sport really. I wouldn't advise going out in such hot weather though unless you're accustomed.

Where is the best place to have a white water rafting in North Carolina?

There isn't any rafting right near Raleigh. You're going to have to travel a little bit. Here are a few options, class levels, and good outfitters to go with. Remember that the Southeast is in a major drought (us mountain folk are worse off than you Piedmont peeps!). You'll definitely get some good rafting come spring. Contact the outfitters directly and ask when is good for running each particular river. Some are dam released (Nanty, Ocoee, Pigeon, Cheoah) while others depend on rain and will only be really great runs in the spring. All are located 4-7 hours from Raleigh. white water rafting is great in North Carolina price.

Why does Florida use so much water?

Florida use plenty of water because they hardly have any water

Does Robert Pattinson have any hobbies?

Yes. He has said in a recent interview with Arena magazine that he loves white water rafting and rock climbing and is upset that with his new found celeb status he and his friends never have time to do it as much as they used to.... He also said he loves Horse grooming...

Are there any bodies of water in Florida?

yes there is why wouldn't there be!:)

How to Plan Safe White Water Rafting Expeditions?

Kayaking has replaced white water rafting as the outdoor sports trend du jour. It does not mean that a person who wants to go on an outdoor vacation has to go up on a white water rafting trip, it just means that hey may have to look a little harder to find one. The decline in demand has also come with a slight drop in price.Then again, a person just does not have to look that much harder. Before going out to challenge the rapids, a person should understand the basic safety principles of the trip. White Water rafting trips often go over violent waters with strong currents. Even with a life jacket, these currents may prove dangerous for a person who does not have a strong ability to swim.Another thing a person will need, and that is provided by some companies, is protective gear. The currents are strong, but the waters are not necessarily deep. The swift waters can sweep even a strong swimmer into hard rocks with dangerous force. Padding on the heads and the elbows helps protect people from serious injuries on white water rafting trips. Life jackets help keep people afloat if the fall into the river during a white water rafting expedition.Even the best padding and the strongest swimming skills do not prevent an accident. These trips appeal to people in part because of the challenge involved in overcoming nature. Sometimes things will go wrong. When things to go wrong, a person booking the trip wants to make sure that the company offering the trips has trained staff who know what to do in case of emergency. Check the company’s credentials and safety records before booking any trip.The final consideration for a white water raftin trip is a person’s level of ability. A novice rafter may not want to go on the most challenging white water streams. Doing so only invites danger. Odds are it also puts other people on the raft with the inexperienced person at risk. Before going out, make sure that someone you know knows where you will be. It just gives the person a chance to contact authorities if something goes wrong and no one gets a chance to report it.

Does river water affect your newly pierced navel?

Any natural body of water will have a higher than normal bacterial count so you should wash the piercing as soon after bathing or rafting as possible to avoid infection.

Choose the Right Rafting Course?

Rafting is a popular recreational sport for outdoor enthusiasts and families. Depending on the level of dedication and training one has to the sport of rafting, certain rapids may be considered off-limits or dangerous for activity. The skill set necessary to effectively navigate choppy waters is something that is developed over years of training and practice in lower classes of water. The different classes assigned to rivers and other white water areas helps rafting enthusiasts to determine where they can safely enjoy the sport. It is important, especially for beginning rafters, to pay close attention to each class of water present in a river so that they do not enter at an area they are not prepared to handle. The most dangerous water class for rafting is considered a level 6. Level 6 waters are so dangerous they are generally considered unsafe to travel on a consistent basis for any person. The risks involved in a section of water classified as a level 6, including large hazards and drops that might threaten the structural fidelity of a vessel, imply that passing a level 6 may be the result of luck as much as skill. The threat of drowning, serious injury or death is exponentially higher in a class 6 rapid than at the lower levels of rafting. Beginning rafters should be entering waters deemed a class 1 or 2. The simple paddling skills and basic maneuverability required to handle class 1 and class 2 waters helps to encourage practice without the threat of any serious bodily harm. Innovations in the technology used to manufacture rafting equipment and an increase in the skill level of the average rafter have led to some changes in classification for rapids over the years. Experts on the sport of rafting are valuable resources for beginners and skilled rafters searching for runs that match their skill level. Many different outfits run rafting trips that provide all the participants with boating and safety equipment. The leaders of any rafting trip should be knowledgeable about the level of water they are encountering, and will prepare all of the individuals participating with safety drills and preventative techniques.