

Is there anything good about puberty?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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yes, puberty is the time when your body becomes fully grown and strong. also there is sexual maturity, so you can have children after puberty.

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Q: Is there anything good about puberty?
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It doesnt have a direct effect on puberty. But bare in mind that overuse of anything is not good. alcoholic perfumes must be avoided.

Concerned about daughter's precocious puberty?

If you're concerned about your daughter's precocious puberty then it's a good idea to talk to your doctor to see if it is something to be concerned about and whether it is an option to prevent this. Puberty can start as young as 8 years old, but there are girls who enter puberty much sooner, as long as either you or they can manage symptoms of puberty it isn't usually anything to worry about.

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Spermatogenesis starts at puberty in everyone . This is because the testis become mature.

When you hit puberty is it uncomfortable?

you wont feel anything.

Can you not to go through puberty?

Anything is possible. It is very unlikely. There are also very many interpretations of what puberty is exactly.

Any websites for girls in puberty?

Yes. is a good website for girls in puberty.

How do you get better erections before puberty?

Before puberty the penis doesn't grow very much at all, and there isn't anything you can do to change that. Your penis will begin to grow when you begin puberty.

How do you go though your puberty?

Puberty happens naturally. You don't have to do anything special to got through it. Just proper diet and exercise is important.

What are some good puberty info sites? is a good site. if you go through the puberty question answers, your questions will be answered too.

Do you Grow Muscles In Puberty?

A rise in testosterone starts puberty and muscles make more muscle when there is a good diet, good exercise and plenty of testosterone.

Late puberty boy?

Puberty is VERY variable and although the average for boys to start puberty is 12 or 13 years of age the range of ages which are considered normal is anything between 9 years of age and the late teens. If you get to 16 and there is still no sign of penis or teste growth and no other signs of puberty (such as the growth of hair close to your penis or the deepening of your voice) then it might be a good adea to seek advice from your doctor.

Is it normal if your voice cracks but you have no other side effects of puberty?

There are no side effects of Puberty. Puberty is natural and normal. Changes happen to the body and brain that brings a child through puberty to adulthood. If your voice has broken then you will be a good way through puberty.