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Just things that are made form marijuana like hash or something.

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Q: Is there anything other than marijuana that can boost your THC?
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Why marijuana should not be legal?

I have not found any reasons why Marijuana should not be legalized. It does not do anything bad to the body, is not addictive, and does not need anything added to it in order to be able to use it. Marijuana has more medical purposes than any other thing on the earth.

Can THC be derived from anything other than marijuana?

There is a synthetic source that is used for making the medication for appetite stimulation called Marinol.

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

How does marijuana effect antipsychotics?

If anything it will work with them, that is if it even reacts with them at all. Other than that it will just cause a clam and peaceful mood for a few hours.

How does marijuana affect athletics?

Smoking anything will lower your lungs' ability to function. Once this is cleared out, there should be no major effects other than possible "hangovers" from the drug.

Who wants to legalize marijuana?

Me. and other people who think it's ridiculous how tobacco is a lot worse for your health than marijuana is.

Is THC in anything other than Pot?

No, THC is a cannabinoid, which is native to the Cannabis (marijuana) plant. There are low amounts in the hemp plant, but not enough to produce a "buzz". There are medical pills that contain a structurally similar chemical ((−)-trans-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol), but it isn't the same thing as pot, because other cannabinoids account for the marijuana high than just THC.

Is it dangerous to smoke marijuana when taking risperidone and fluvoxamine?

It's fine to do that, generally marijuana doesn't interact with other drugs. More than anything, it'll make the high more pleasurable. But I wouldn't advise mixing pills unless told to do so by a doctor.

Is marijuana legal in El Paso?

Other than Medical use, no. Marijuana is not legal in El Paso, Texas thus far.

What drugs inhibits the neurotransmitter serotonin?

COCAINE does more than anything also Marijuana HEROIN probly LSD PEYOTE MUSHROOMS OPIODS and many antidepressant and other psychiatric drugs claim they do..

How do you get your stories more popular on quizzazz?

Looks to me as if you just write a really good story - I don't see anything that might boost your ratings on the site other than just people reading and liking it.

Is beer worse than marijuana?

No, there BOTH equally horrible. Marijuana is illegal though and beer isn't. Also, you CAN drink beer and not have it be a bad thing. I'm a 6th grader and i took health, soo i would know anything about marijuana! it''s AWFUL STUFF!