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PROBATION(!) for disorderly conduct??? That is a minor offense that is usually disposed of with a small monetary fine - however - if the judge wishes you to undergo probation, you're going to have to follow the order, after all... that's why it's called a SENTENCE.

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Q: Is there anyway to avoid probation for a 1st time offender charged with disorderly conduct?
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What are fines and penalties for Disorderly Conduct Wandering in New Jersey?

In New Jersey, fines for Disorderly Conduct Wandering can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the offense. However, individuals charged with this offense may face penalties that include fines, community service, and/or probation. Additionally, a conviction for Disorderly Conduct Wandering may result in a criminal record that can impact future opportunities.

Can a parent be charged with disorderly conduct when her child is lare for school?

It is not "disorderly conduct" when you simply bring your child to school late. For conduct to be "disorderly", the parents has to behave in a disruptive or unruly way, fight or be unreasonably noisy, creating a commotion, and so on.

Can you be charged with over-consumption of alcohol?

You can be charged for certain behavior that occurs when you have over-consumed, such as disorderly conduct in a public place, DUI, any damage to person or property. If you sit in your home and drink yourself into a coma, that, in and of itself is not a "crime". If you happen to be on probation that prohibits alcohol consumption as one of its terms, to drink is a violation of that probation and you can be charged as such.

Can you be registered as a sexual offender for urinating on a car?

No. Urinating in Public is customarily a Disorderly Conduct-type misdemeanor crime.

What is the charge and or cost of disorderly conduct misdemeanor?

Most of the time, you will only be charged a fine for a disorderly conduct misdemeanor. It really all depends which state you live in and if it is your first offense or not.

Is mooning illegal in Texas?

lol, mooning is illegal in every state in the united states. You could do it but get arrested for disorderly conduct. It's a class C misdemeanor in Texas. It also may be possible to get charged as a sex offender as well.

Is disorderly conduct a probation violation?

Misdemeanor. But as easy and lenient as it probably was, it does not show up well on your record that you violated it.

If you had a street fight and got caught by the police how much is the ticket?

It is totally dependent on what you're charged with. If law enforcement is feeling generous you might be charged with disorderly conduct and can expect a fine of under USD 500.00, however you might be charged with multiple offenses as well. A charge of disorderly conduct with additional physical altercation charges (such as assault) can be over a thousand dollars and include probation or jail time. If the charges are severe enough you may even be charged with a felony assault which is not only a large fine, but serious jail time.

What will be the fine of disorderly conduct charge by shining a green laser at cars?

That depends on the state you reside in or the municipality you reside in. Generally Disorderly Conduct is a low class misdemeanor, which could result in probation, community service, or fines not likely to exceed $300.

I believe it can be ?

I believe it can be helpful to have a public defender represent a person charged with disorderly conduct and worth it for the person charged, but it's not necessary as in mandatory.

Is your misdemeanor probation in NCIC records its for disorderly conduct?

Your probation sentence is probably not in NCIC records, but might be included in your local (state) crime computer. You'd be better off telling your PO about your disorderly arrest BEFORE he/she finds it out by running a routine check of your name.

What is the penalty for egging?

The penalty for egging will differ between states and will depend on if there was any damage to property or not. If caught egging someone's property you could be charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, or damage to property. The penalty could be a fine, probation, or jail time.