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yes there is a diference.

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Q: Is there difference between car and commercial plates?
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Is there a difference between a term business car lease and a commercial auto lease, or are they one and the same?

A car lease is an individuals person lease for their car. A commercial car lease is the lease for a commercial vehicle which are used for businesses.

Whats the difference between personal insurance and commercial insurance?

There is really no difference. It's just a difference in the terms used. Both are actually a commercial automobile insurance policy. One company may call it business and the other may call it commercial but it's exactly the same thing.

Who has the right away on a hill between a commercial truck or car?

commercial truck

What is the difference between a commercial and a personal auto policy?

The difference between a commercial and a personal auto policy is that personal auto policies are designed to cover one person or a family while commercial auto insurance is designed to cover an entire business. The policies, terms and conditions of these policies are very different. You can learn more about the differences of the policies online at the Car Insurance Comparison website.

What is the difference between a 1960's car and a 2010 car?

The year...

What is the difference between armoured car and non amoured car?

The armoured car has armour.

What is the difference between a car with a flat wheel and a tree?

The difference between a car with a flat wheel and a tree is that the wheel can be replaced, and the car will transport you. A tree will not transport you from one location to another.

Do car batteries short out?

Yes, sometimes the lead plates will develop a short between themselves.

What is the difference between a car and a truck?

Well the main difference is that a car is made out of plastic, and a truck is made out of metal.

What was the car commercial where the woman parked her car between motorcycles and said to the gang Thanks for keeping my spot boys?

That was a Progressive Insurance commercial that was advertising motorcycle insurance.

Can a dead persons license plates be used?

No. The plates need to be on the same car they are registered to, so you can't go take the plates off a car of a dead person and put them on a different car. Let's say you inherit the car so you would go have the car put in your name and the plates would stay on the car but in your name. If you took the plates off a car to use on another car that would be stealing the plates. This could result in arrest.