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Q: Is there different sounds when size are different?
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What is the homonym of the word size?

The homonym of the word "size" is "sighs," which sounds the same but has a different meaning.

What are the different sounds of vehicles?

The size, shape type of engine all affect the noise an engine makes

What is is a homonym for size?

There is not a homonym (words with the same sound, and spelling, but differrent meanings) for size, but you might be thinking of a synonym, or different words with the same meaning, such as girth, volume, and size.

How are different sounds produced in jalatharang?

Different sounds are produced in jalatharang by striking the glass bowls with a mallet. The pitch of the sound produced varies based on the size and thickness of the glass bowls. The harder the glass bowl is struck, the louder the sound produced.

How sounds are different?

Different sounds are made because they make different sounds waves. Sounds are made from vibrations abd also they travel through air particles...

What is the homonyms for the word size?

"sighs" sounds the same as "size".

How different are the sounds produced by each band with different thickness?

It produced by the sounds.

How the different are the sounds produced by each band with different thickness?

It produced by the sounds.

How different are the sounds produce by each band with different thickness?

It produced by the sounds.

Why do different objects make different sounds when dropped on a floor?

Different objects make different sounds when dropped on a floor because of their material composition, shape, and size. These characteristics determine the object's density, elasticity, and surface area, which all influence how the object interacts with the floor upon impact, creating unique sound frequencies.

Why do tubas and flutes make different sounds?

They are different in shape and size. A tuba is much larger and therefore has a lower resonating frequency, and more room in the audible frequency range for harmonics.

Why do a flutes and tubas make different sounds?

They are different in shape and size. A tuba is much larger and therefore has a lower resonating frequency, and more room in the audible frequency range for harmonics.