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I am wondering the same, but no. I dont think there is.

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Q: Is there drug interaction between Midol and Dramamine?
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Can you take midol while taking Lexapro?

I wouldn't...check are drug interactions between lexapro and midol, aleve, and advil..stick with tylenol

Does Midol work to pass a drug test?

Midol may help to pass a drug test. This is because Midol is a diuretic which helps the body rid itself of sodium and water.

Is Ibuprofen in dramamine?

No. They are different drugs. Ibuprofen is pain killer and diphenhydramine (dramamine) is antihistamine drug.

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There shouldn't be any interaction, but check with your physician or pharmacist.

Is dramamine a controlled substance?

No, Dramamine is a brand name for a preparation of dimenhydrinate, which is not a controlled substance. It is an over the counter drug used to treat motion sickness.

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How much midol does it take to cause false positive for THC on drug test that checks levels?

Midol will not cause a false positive for THC, no matter how much is taken.

What is drug interaction between antacid and ciprofloxacin?

Chelation between the two drug molecules --> binding of antacid to cipro reduces cipro effect --> treatment failure.

Is there a drug interaction between Zyrtec and doxycycline?

my daughter has sinus infection. she is taking Doryx for her face.

What is hyper additive drug interaction?

A hyper additive drug interaction is an interaction between two drugs of the same class doing what one drug alone could have done. Hyper additive drug interactions are one reason for antibiotic resistance.

What is the difference between a drug-drug interaction and drug disease?

drug-drug interaction is when two or more drugs interact pharmacodynamically in such a way that the toxicity of one or more drugs are altered.while drug desease is any negative feedback a drug come with like addiction, tolerance, dependency. examples of drug deseases are veral hepatitis, drug abuse, drug induced liver desease e.t.c.