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suRe there are many guys who don't like anorexic girls

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Q: Is there even any guys on the planet who actually want someone with a normal figure and a little bit of weight rather than anorexic?
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How much weight do you loose being anorexic and bulimic?

Anorexia and bulimia are very serious eating disorders. People who are anorexic or bulimic can lose as much or as little weight possible. Some people can be 10 pounds underweight, some can be 40 pounds underweight. If you know someone who is anorexic or bulimic tell them that you are worried about them and strongly encourage them to get professional help.

What happens when you have a lot of sex and eat a little?

Not much. Don't be anorexic.

What do people look like if they are anorexic?

You don't. Being anorexic is not healthy, and one can not look anorexic without being anorexic, or having some other health problem. Even a lot of exercise will not actually make you look anorexic, unless you're body starts autocannibalizing itself.

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Do girls having their periods have anything to do with anorexia?

Not exactly. Having your epriod doen't make someone become anorexic. Some girls might be bloated a little while on their period, and think that they are fat, but that bloating passes within a few days or a week or so. If someone is anorexic, often they will stop having their period, though, as their bodies try to consere mass and fat and nutrients.

Is chase Anderson of chaska MN anorexic?

yes he is a skinny little dick head

What is the anorexic diet?

it is not a diet- it is a disorder. a disorder where someone chooses to simply eat very little. some anorexic sufferers do not eat for a few days at a time. People with anorexia eat an average of 800 calories per day, which is 400 below the absolute minimum of 1200. Many eat even less than that.

How do you approach a girl which interests you if she's with her friends?

You don't. You will have to figure out a way to approach her when she is alone and there are little or no distractions.You don't. You will have to figure out a way to approach her when she is alone and there are little or no distractions.You don't. You will have to figure out a way to approach her when she is alone and there are little or no distractions.You don't. You will have to figure out a way to approach her when she is alone and there are little or no distractions.You don't. You will have to figure out a way to approach her when she is alone and there are little or no distractions.You don't. You will have to figure out a way to approach her when she is alone and there are little or no distractions.

Why is barbie not good for girls minds?

Some little girls believe that they are supposed to grow up to look like Barbie, a doll with ax extremely narrow waist, among other exaggerated features. The effort to have that kind of figure leads some girls to become anorexic.

What do you do if you feel like your friend might be Anorexic?

Be sure your friend really is Anorexic and watch how they eat. Anorexics eat little; play with their food and place food on their plate so it looks like they are eating a lot. Just because someone is very thin does not mean they are Anorexic and it could be a metabolism problem. Good friends can communicate and be honest with each other so you could talk to your friend and calmly tell them you are concerned about their weight. You may find that your friend eats well, but doesn't pack on the pounds. Generally, Anorexic individuals will not admit they are Anorexic and hide their bad habits of eating very well. If you can't get anywhere with your friend then perhaps talk to their mother about the situation out of concern and tell the mother that this is in the strictest of confidence. If your friend should be Anorexic they need psychological help and, if your friend is not a minor there is not much one can do if the person refuses to go for help.

Do you have to exercise to become anerexic?

no i became anorexic and didnt exercise i walked a little bit but i dont really count that as exercise

Are there any scientists that try to figure out how to turn a man into a little girl?

maybe it depends because just like someone can can turn themselves into a men or woman so can a scientist into a little girl