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Yes there is evidence of Mesozoic dinosaurs in the form of fossilised bones of hundreds of clades, ranging from embryos to adult, eggs, coprolites and trackways.

There are dinosaurs living today, the birds which are theropod dinosaurs. There is overwhelming evidence that birds derived from dinosaurs. There are now many fossils that show many types dinosaurs had feathers.

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Q: Is there evidence that dinosaurs really did live?
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What period did the huge sauropod dinosaurs live?

I do not really no but it was in the acient years

Did dinosaur only live in the forest?

No, evidence suggests that dinosaurs lived in deserts and on plains as well as in forests.

Do scientists really know what happend to the dinosaurs?

Science doesn't really work like that; but there is good evidence that a major asteroid impact happened shortly before the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. To complicate the story slightly, the dinosaurs had been declining before the asteroid hit - so it may be the asteroid may have speeded an existing process. There is also good evidence that modern birds are descended from dinosaurs.

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Technically yes. Fossil evidence has shown that birds are, in fact, dinosaurs. Other than that no. All non-avian dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago.

Do dinosaurs still live?

Technically scientists believe dinosaurs exsist in the form of birds and other reptiles. There are also crocodileswhich the oldest dinosaurs evolved into, so the dinosaurs really never went extinct!

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What is the evidence that dinosaurs lived?

Their fossilized bones and tracks is the evidence we accept.

Did the Yucatan Asteroid kill the dinosaurs?

there is evidence that it did but they're is also evidence that it did not

Did any dinosaurs live in water?

Yes, dinosaurs did live in the water.

Where are this organisms now like dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are very related to birds and reptiles. One evidence that dinosaurs are related to birds is the dinosaur named Archeopthyx. At first, I really don't know the spelling of this dinosaur. But this dinosaur has feathers. It has a beak-like mouth and has sharp teeth.

What era did the cavemen live in?

After the dinosaurs died out.

What do dinosaurs don't have?

Dinosaurs aren't as intelligent as we are but they had small brains. if you want to know more about them ask me I can answer them.---ANSWER---To answer this question with any sensible answer is virtually impossible. We simply have not got enough evidence to say.I can tell you that probably dinosaurs did not have 6 legs and PlayStation's but for me this is not sensible.A lot of the common misconceptions of dinosaurs are possibly not true.Dinosaurs were cold blooded - Increasing evidence suggest that dinosaurs were in some instances warm blooded. A famous example is a Thescelosaurus fossil found in South Dakota in 1993 nicknamed "Willo". The significance of this fossil was the scientists found a fossilized heart. It proved that at least this species had a high metabolism which is indicative of warm blooded animals.Dinosaurs had scaly skin - Undeniable evidence says that many species of Therapod dinosaurs had feathers. In fact it is generally excepted now that birds evolved from dinosaurs.Dinosaurs all laid eggs - This is probably true. There is no real evidence of dinosaurs having live young. In 1947 in New Mexico, Edwin Hobart found some Coelurosaurus fossils that seemed to have the fossil of a juvenile inside it. Instead of accepting it was an example of live birth, it was concluded that the juvenile was probably the dinosaurs last meal.Some close relatives to dinosaurs did have live young. Some species of Ichthyosaurs definitely had live young.