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Q: Is there floating mountains in china?
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What mountain are in avatar?

(in James Camerons: AVATAR) Norm says "The floating Mountains of Pandors" then says Yesss... So the Floating Mountains of Pandora or the Halleluja Mountains.(

Did the Inca have floating gardens?

no, the incas lived in the mountains. the Aztecs had the floating gardens. :)

Are there mountains in western China?

yes there are mountains in western china

Are there mountains in space?

There are mountains on planets in space, and there are mountain sized asteroids, but there are no singular mountains floating in space that we know of.

Where are the Kunlun Mountains?

The Kunlun Mountains are in China.

Are there any mountains forest or deserts in China?

Yes, there are forests, mountains and deserts in China.

What are the mountain ranges in China?

There are many mountain ranges in China. For example, there are the Himalayas, the Kunlunshan Mountains, the Tianshan Mountains and the Qinling Mountains.

Mountains that extend through kyrgistan into china?

Pamir Mountains and the Altai Mountains

Where will you find the Himylayas?

you will find the himylayaya mountains in china because the himylayas mountains are natural barriers of china

What mountains where near Ancient China and India?

I don't know all the mountains but I know for sure that there are the Himilyans mountains which separated China from the rest of the world.

Are there any mountains or landforms near the Great Wall of China?

Yes the Great Wall of China was built on Mountains

Where are China mountains?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think they are in China.