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there is definitely a future for cholera and its happening right now, 1 year later, and then a decade after that. Cholera has ruled for hundreds of years, taking out millions every year. we hope to find better medicines and cures for this deadly disease. further research will be put in. add to this answer!

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Q: Is there going to be a future for Cholera and if so when?
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Related questions

Is cholera still a threat?

Even to day also cholera kills about 60,000 to 120,000 people annually. Mostly the children. Cholera vaccine is not very effective. So cholera is going to be threat for ever. It is one of the biological weapon, which can be used in wars, to kill the 'Humanity'.

Is cholera eradicated from India?

Cholera is not eradicated from the India. It is not possible to eradicate the cholera from India, in near future. Cholera is maintained in the community with many subclinical cases. Some of the people develop the severe form of cholera. With the majority people living in the villages and slums, they do not have access to good medical care. So many people die of dehydration, in isolated incidences.

How does a cholera vaccination make you immune to cholera?

In cholera vaccination you are injected the dead cells of cholera. So you get antibodies to cholera. This vaccine is not very effective. The protection rate is some where 50 to 60 % only. So you can not keep faith on the vaccine for protection from cholera.

What happens when you breathe cholera?

You will not get the cholera by breathing the cholera bacilli. They can infect the gut only. You may get immunized to cholera. But immunity to cholera is short lasting and is not very effective as well. By injecting dead cholera bacilli you get the immunity for cholera.

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