

Is there iodine in lugworm

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Is there iodine in lugworm
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Is the lugworm a parasite?


Is a lugworm a parasite or not?

No, they aren't.

Is a lugworm a invertebrate?

All worms are invertabrates.

What symmetry does a lugworm have?

The lugworm has Bilateral symmetry, look at the site for more info! i pretty sure that it is bilateral because worms or phylum Annelida is bilateral.

What are the parts of a lugworm?

there is the body, the tentelectula and the fwipper (like toes)

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small crabs eat bacteria and lugworm

What phylum is the lugworm?

Lugworms are annelids, so they therefore belong to the annelida phylum.

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bacteria , lugworm(when it doesn't do its job propelly!), barnicles.

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What is the difference between iodine crystals and iodine solution?

Iodine crystal is solid Iodine. Iodine solution is when Iodine crystals are dissolved in water.

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Why does the concentration of iodine ions remains constant in the iodine clock reaction?

Iodine ion is not consumed; in the first step the iodine ion is oxidized to iodine, in the second step iodine is reduced to iodine ion.