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There are no accepted or approved treatments or supplements that increase the rate of facial hair growth. However, there are a few supplements been shown to help with the health of the hair, which may help it to grow better. The main natural products that help with hair health are Biotin, Silica, MSM, and L-Cysteine, so you could try any or all of them. Facial hair for men is a secondary sexual characteristic mainly controlled by blood levels of testosterone and estrogen, influenced in large part by genes/race.

Rogaine and Propecia do not increase the rate of hair growth and have only been shown to be effective in restoration of hair growth in male pattern baldness.

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11y ago

They have certin types of pills as - biotin - testostoren pills - but mostly the b complex vitamin pills are your best chance for facial hair

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13y ago

No, there is not any medication to cause facial hair growth.

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Facial and body hair is down mainly to your genetics. If you do not have facial hair yet at 22-years-old then there is still time. Facial and body hair comes with the onstart of puberty, but a beard can take a while to appear. It may start a bit here and there or look patchy in places when it begins but it is a sign that facial hair is beginning. Some races of people have genetics that gives very little facial and body hair and others much more.

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Rogaine is a vasodilator which counteracts the constricting effect of DHT on the hair follicles. Since the effectiveness of Rogaine is not uniformly conclusive on regular hair growth, I would say it is unlikely that Rogaine would have any noticeable effect on facial hair growth. If you want thicker facial hair you need an androgenic supplement or testosterone booster.

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why do you need to grow facial hair? people who already with hair on their face feels uncomfortable sometimes especially if few days unshaven! anyway, there so many ways to do it either using hormone and apply some oils which meant for hair growth. consult your physicians or any pharmacist.

Are there any rules about facial hair in MLB?

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Does napey hair grow fast?

Nappy hair is happy hair. It is hair that has been freed of any chemicals such as relaxers and other chemicals that one would use on their hair. Everybody hair grows differently due to their nature and what they do to their hair. Hair growth also are affected by poor diets, medicine that one may be taking, hair styling products and heat. All of these things can affect the growth of someone's hair.

Is there any way to make your beard grow faster if you?

From 1) Stay healthy and take care of yourself. Certain minerals and vitamins are documented as being beneficial to hair growth. Be sure you have the appropriate amount of these nutrients in your diet. These nutrients include, but are not limited to, 15,000 IU of Vitamin A; 50 mg each of Vitamins B3, 5, 6, and 12; two grams of Vitamin C; 800 IU of Vitamin E and 50 mg of Biotin on a daily basis.Step2 Get adequate amounts of sleep. Your body uses the time you are sleeping to repair, restore and refresh and sleep will help your hair to grow. If you are not getting enough sleep, your hair growth will slow down and your hair may become weaker. Most people need between seven to nine hours of sleep each night.Step3 Stress can slow down hair growth and make your hair weak and brittle. To help your facial hair grow, be sure to limit the amount of stress in your life and learn how to handle the stressors that are present. Exercise, meditation, yoga, deep-breathing exercises and stress-management classes are all recommended strategies for dealing with stress.Step4 Keep your face clean, moisturized and exfoliated to allow for good facial hair growth. Steam opens up pores for easier cleaning and closer shaving. Exfoliating removes the dead skin cells and keeps your pores and hair follicles clear. This will allow better hair growth and will limit the incidences of in-grown hairs. Moisturizer keeps your skin healthy, which will also allow for better hair growth. If your skin is dry and flaking, you will have more in-grown hairs, and your facial hair growth will become stunted.Ads by Google Beard Bald Patches?Fast acting natural Solution. Solve your problem today.www.calosol.comStop Hair LossI spent thousands on hair growth then I found this $39 Hair Loss ProductsWhich One's Actually Work? The Ultimate Guide To Stop Hair Loss!www.Hair-Loss-Option.comRegrow Your Hair NowAncient Indian Herbal Recipe Causes Actual Re-Growth in Weekswww.aherbalhairsolution.infoTips & WarningsIf you want facial hair now, there are retailers that sell human hair mustaches, beards, and sideburns that can be applied for temporary aesthetic or entertainment purposes. Remember that there really isn't a cure-all or magical way to instantly grow hair. Genetics and medical conditions affect hair growth, which limits how much you can do to overcome sparse facial hair.Remember that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Having too much of any vitamin or mineral in your diet can cause harm to your body. This includes ingesting too much of the hair growth vitamins and minerals. Stay within the recommended guidelines. Contrary to an old wives' tale, shaving does not really make hair grow back in thicker and faster. It is an illusion caused by what happens to the individual hairs when they are shaved. Minoxidil has been used in many hair growth treatments for the scalp, but not for the face. There is a caution for women on the labels of products containing Minoxidil that if any gets on the face, it could result in facial hair growth. This means it is possible it will help men. However, using Minoxidil for a use other than what it was designed could be risky. Talk to a doctor first. If you are a young man just growing in your first facial hair, you should wait it out for a little bit. This is because men and women tend to grow more facial hair as they age. Facial hair growth also tends to speed up with age. Many young men who start out with sparse facial hair notice it fills in and grows more quickly as they mature. Your facial hair growth will continue to change as you age, and young men who are just getting their facial hair can expect it to fill in over the course of one to three years. Waiting it out before taking drastic measures would be a recommended step for any young man.