

Is there is endosperm present in gymnosperm?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No, triploid endosperm is in angiosperms only. Gymnosperm means "Naked Seed."

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Q: Is there is endosperm present in gymnosperm?
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How do you tell a gymnosperm from an angiosperm?

Gymnosperms bear naked seeds on cones or cones-like structures, while angiosperms have seeds enclosed within fruits. Additionally, gymnosperms do not produce flowers, while angiosperms do.

What is the ploidy level of endosperm of gymnosperm?

Endosperm of gymnosperm is haploid(ploidy n), develop from megaspore (n) before fertilization. ploidy of endosperm in angiosperm is 3n(central cell fused with one male gamete i.e 2n+n).

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endosperm haustoria is reported in many families for eg. is a vermiform appendage present at the chalazal end of the endosperm. it may be free nuclear or cellular.

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The Gymnosperm eggs present in their ovules are fertilized by male gametes produced by pollen grains.

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Both types are present in one or the other plant

Which tissues are present in the hard covering of the seed?

Its the surface Embryo & endosperm

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What is endosporic seed?

seeds whereby the endosperm is present in mature seed/ Edited answer: An endospermic seed has plenty of endosperm to nurish the seedling at the time of germination, as in case of wheat, barley and rice etc.

Where does the endosperm come from in a plant and what is its purpose?

the endosperm is in the gymnosperm 'naked seeds' and the angiosperm flowering plants. in gymno - haploid (n) gives nutrients to the embryo the only difference with the angiosperm is that its not haploid (n) but triploid (3n)

What feeds the plant embryo?

the endosperm in monocot plants and endosperm and cotyledons in dicot plants.

Name an example of a seed that has liquid endosperm?

Coconut is an example of a seed that has liquid endosperm.