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No, possibly there's more. Scientifically, extreme cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water.

As well, fresh water holds more oxygen than sea water. Ninety-eight percent of the Antarctic is covered with an ice sheet containing about 70% of the earth's fresh water.

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Q: Is there less oxygen in Antarctica?
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The ozone over Antarctica is very less. The areas with less ozone are shown with purple color.

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The continent of Antarctica is a desert, because there is less than five percent humidity there.

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Even though not much grows on the Antarctic continent, it is extremely rich in oxygen. From Wikipedia: "Oxygen is the most abundant chemical element by mass in the Earth's biosphere, air, sea and land." Cold water in the Southern Ocean, for example, holds more dissolved oxygen than other bodies of water. The oxygen cycle in general is responsible for supplying oxygen to the Antarctic continent.

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Oxygen is less dense.

Where does oxygen come from in Antarctica?

Oxygen is the 3rd most abundant element in the Milky Way Galaxy, and since Antarctica is a continent on earth, it's reasonable that oxygen be available there. As well, cold water holds more dissolved O2 than warmer water.

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Antarctica is arid with less than five percent humidity, and is therefore, desert-like.