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Q: Is there mercury in mercurochrome
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Does mercurochrome have mercury in it?

Oddly yes. Mercurochrome is the brand name for merbromine (C20H8Br2HgNa2O6).

Why did they stop making mercurochrome?

It stained and was filled with mercury.

What is the difference between mecuricome and metholiate?

Both Mercurochrome and Merthiolate are topical antiseptic solutions used to prevent infection in minor cuts and scrapes. Mercurochrome contains mercury while Merthiolate contains thimerosal. Thimerosal is a mercury-based compound, but in a different form and concentration compared to the mercury in Mercurochrome.

What is the difference between Mercurochrome and Merthiolate?

There really is not much difference between Mercurochrome and Merthiolate. Both were used to dress wounds and contained alcohol and mercury. They were taken off the US market in 1998 because it was thought that they were linked to autism in children.

Is mecurochrome a chromate?

No, actually Mercurochrome(C20H8Br2HgNa2O6) in not a chromate, and in fact it does not contain any chromium. It is actually an organic complex which contains mercury.

Is merbromine the same thing as mercury?

Merbromin is found in some antiseptics. A common brand name is Mercurochrome. Mercury-containing compounds like this have not been legally sold in the United States since 1998.

Is mercurochrome the same as iodine or what is the difference.?

No, they are both antiseptics, but their chemical nature is different. Iodine solution contains the element iodine as its active ingredient. Mercurochrome is one of the names for merbromin, a salt of a polycyclic compound.

Where can you buy Mercurochrome?

You can buy it on Amazon.

What effect does Mercurochrome have on bacteria?

It will affect the growth of the bacteria.

What was the name of a popular antiseptic used in the 1960's?


Should you use iodine or mercurochrome?

They are basically the same for minor cuts - either would be good. Iodine might sting more than mercurochrome but most people don't mind it.

What is mercurechrome used for?

Merbromin (marketed as Mercurochrome, Merbromine, Sodium mercurescein, Asceptichrome, Supercrome and Cinfacromin) is an antiseptic used for minor cuts and scrapes.=It is no longer used because it contains mercury. Merbromin is an organomercuric disodium salt compound and a fluorescein.=