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In all probability there would be more car accidents than buses because the cars out number them

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Q: Is there more bus accidents than car?
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In the U.S. an average of more than 90 people per day are killed in car accidents.

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Car accidents per day?

I am pretty sure there is more than one . :)

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Car crashes usually involve speed.

What would need to happen for a car to have the same momentum as a school bus?

The car would need to have more velocity than the school bus.

Are more people injured in car wrecks or motorcycle accidents?

There are far, far more injuries reported annually for car accidents than for motorcycle accidents. That's generally because there are many more cars on the road than motorcycles, though. If you look at it statistically, you are more likely to get in a car accident than a motorcycle accident (on any given day, driving one or the other), although you are more likely to get injured in an accident if you're on a motorcycle.

Is the momentum of a large bus greater than less than that of a small car traveling at the same speed?

Momentum is a function of velocity and mass, therefore, assuming a "large" bus has more mass than a "small" car the bus would have more momentum since the velocities are the same.

How many car accidents happened this winter in the US?

how many bus accuident happen a yesr

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it stops accidents. a car can see a bus coming for insance

Why is car insurance more expensive for a fast car?

A car insurance is more expensive for a fast car because it will have more easily accidents. On the other hand, a slower car will not have accidents so often on average.

Why is it easier to push a car than bus?

Well - the obvious answer is - because a car weighs less than a bus !