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As we found no port or inlet to dock our ship in, we put down our anchor offshore, and sent a boat toward the beaches. We were able to see a large number of people, who had apparently come down to observe our approach, but they fled as soon as we arrived at the shores. We tried to reassure them with all manner of friendly gesture. A few of the braver finally came forth, and expressed great joy at seeing us. They expressed amazement at our way of dressing, our appearance and the colour of our skin. We disembarked at that point, and were able to learn some thing about these people, their lives and their culture which I shall hereby report to Your Majesty.

These men were naked, except for the small skirt-like garment they used to cover their genitals. This they fashioned from the pelts of small, marten-like animals, which hung from their waists to their knees from a belt made of grass interwoven with animal tails. For the rest, they were nude as well as bare-headed. Some, however, wore feather headdresses.

The men and women are dark-skinned, not unlike Ethiopians, and have thick, black hair which they tie behind their necks. They are well-built, and of medium to above-average height when compared to us. They have broad chests and strong arms and legs, and on the whole, are very well proportioned. Their eyes are large and black, and have a quick and watchful look to them. Though they do not seem extraordinarily strong, they are swift and resistant runners. We were not able to discover more details of their lives, as we could only remain on land briefly, having left the ship with the rest of the crew aboard.

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Q: Is there more detail to how Verrazano did with the Algonquin tribe?
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How big was the algonquin tribe?

The Algonkin or Algonquin tribe of the Ottawa River valley inn Canada have always been a loose collection of separate bands rather than a unified tribe; at the time of first contact with Europeans they numbered perhaps 7,300 if the Abitibi and Ottawa groups are included. Today there are more than 8,000.

What is an Algonquin?

the Algonquin's ate Berry's, nuts, coconuts, and many animal meats

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They were very Close to the Algonquian tribe. Algonquains fed colonists and without them, The New Hampshire Colony would have probably not been successful.

Who was Algonquin chief Manitouabewich?

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Why did Giovanni da Verrazano came to America?

To find out more about the USA.

What languages did the Algonquian speak?

Many people are confused about the term "Algonquin", which really refers to just one small tribe living along the Ottawa River valley in Canada, where they have always lived and still live today.The similar word Algonquian refers to a huge family of distantly related languages spoken by many tribes across most of North American, but mainly in the north, around the Great Lakes and in the north-east woodlands and along the eastern seaboard of the USA. This language family gets its name from that small Algonquin tribe, who are used as representative of the whole group.The Algonquin language is still spoken today thanks to concerted efforts by the tribe itself, supported by the Canadian government; it is very closely related to Ojibwe and Ottawa (two more Algonquian languages).A few words of the Algonquin language are:kaagaagiw (raven)andeg (crow)miziki or kiniw (eagle)okad (leg)odoon (mouth)onagocag (stars)nodin (windy)kiziz (sun)cigwatik (pine tree)wabos (rabbit)nokomis (grandmother)biibiins (baby)So, to answer your question, the Algonquin people spoke the Algonquin language; the Algonquian tribes spoke a huge number of related Algonquian languages.

What are the Algonquins' languages?

The Algonkin or Algonquin are a single tribe living along the Ottawa River valley in Canada. They speak Algonquin, or more accurately Anishinàbemowin or Omàmiwininìmowin("speech of the downstream people").The Algonquian language family includes a huge number of distantly related languages, which include (among many others):AtsenaArapahoCheyenneSuhtaioBlackfoot, Piegan and BloodAbenaki and PenobscotMaliseetMi'kmaqDelawareNanticokeMoheganMahicanNarragansettWampanoagMassachusettCreeOjibwe/ChippewaMontagnaisNaskapiAlgonquinMenomineeSac and FoxMiamiIllinoisShawneePowhatanThis list is far from complete.

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Staten Island is connected to the borough of Brooklyn via the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge (more commonly called just, "The Verrazano Bridge").

What is a specific detail?

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Was Pocahontas an Iroquois?

The short answer is no, not really.Pocahontas was from a nation of Indians, the Powhatan. It was composed of tribes which spoke an Algonquian language. That quia in the word is important it denotes a family of related languages. The Europeans encountered a tribe called Algonquin. They latter encountered tribes that spoke similar languages. Powhatan was just such a similar language.To make things more complicated the term "Algonquin Indian" has come to denote practically any Indian nation of the eastern woodlands that spoke an Algonquian language. This is not technically correct but it is very common.So to review.Pocahontas was not an Algonquin indian.The Powhatan spoke a language that was a member of the Algonquian language family.

Do the micmac and the Algonquin tribe talk the same?

Basically yes. The languages are similar but more associated with the languages of the Montagnais and Cree in Quebec. The dialect of the Restigouche Micmac in Quebec differs enough from the Micmac of Nova Scotia that they have some difficulty in understanding each other.

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