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Q: Is there more people on earth or are there more gallons of water on the world?
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How much water is in the world in gallons?


How many gasess in the world?

There are numerous gases in the world, both naturally-occurring and man-made. Some common gases include oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. The atmosphere is mainly composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%).

Where is the world's largest water tower located?

Largest water tower in the world is in McBee, SC and holds 1.2 million gallons of water.

How many gallons does the sea world orca tank hold?

The Sea World Orlando tank holds 2,110,000 gallons of water.

Why do most of the world people live on 9 percent of the earth's surface?

earth is 75% water and about 16% of earth surface is Uninhabitable (desert)

How many gallons of water in Lake St Clair?

There are 6 quadrillion gallons of water in Lake St. Clair. That is one fifth of the world's fresh surface water.

What do you learn about water?

You learn the about the molocules and what water does. How it travels, water cycle. You learn what water does in the world. How it effects people. How much water is on the earth. Things like that.

How many liters or cubic meters of water are on Earth?

That question can not be answered. The closes answer is more than 3/4's of the world is water.

How many Gallons of water in the sea?

According to one source ("How Stuff Works") It is estimated that there are about 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 (three hundred and twenty-six million trillion) gallons of water on Earth, including the oceans, rivers, lakes, underwater springs and wells, the ice caps, atmospheric vapour, and the fluids in your body (and in everything else, too). The oceans cover about 72% of the Earth's surface, but constitute about 98% of the Earth's water, so less than two percent of the world's water is actually 'fresh' (ie- drinkable), and with three quarters of this locked up in the ice caps and majority of what's left being underground, only a very tiny fraction of the world's water makes up rivers, lakes, and ponds.

How is water conservation a way of saving the earth?

Without water there can be no life and Earth. So, if we have to save our planet we need to conserve water. Sadly, water levels in many parts of the world have dropped alarmingly. Water shortage is a growing concern across the globe. Check out the link given below for some simple tips on how to save gallons of water everyday. Water conservation is the least we can do to save this precious resource, which sustains life on earth.

What proportion of the world is water?

75% of the earth is water. 25% of the earth is land.

Why is the earth mostly made of water?

The earth is mostly made of water because the world is water with land.