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Q: Is there more than one Noah in the Bible?
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Where is Noah's Wife's name mentioned in the bible?

It isn't. Noah's wife is one of the unnamed women of the Bible.

Did noah have more than one wife?

He had one wife.

How many animals of each sort did Noah take with him on his arc?

The Bible says that Noah took two of each kind of animal, one male and one female, with him on the Arc. However, he took more than that number of humans, as all his sons and their wives were on the Arc.

Which one of noah's son's got off the ark first?

The Bible does not say.

What are the 4 chapters of the Bible?

Well for one there aren't THE 4 chapters, but there are four books in the bible even though there are more books of the bible than 4 and there are more than 4 chapters in the Bible.

How many women are in the Bible?

Actually there are 188 females referred to in the bible. Starting alphabetically with Abigail and ending with Zipporah. The wife of Noah is counted but her name is not given in the bible. And further there is a woman named Noah who was one of Zelophehad's five daughters. :-)

Does the Bible state you can have a number of sequential marriages?

The Bible states you can if you want more than one wife.

Where in the Bible does it say that Mary was blind?

what marry there is more than one

Was enoch related to Noah?

Yes. Enoch was Noah's great grandfather. But there were more than one 'Enoch' in the Bible. There was Enoch who was Cain's son and Enoch who was Seth's (Cain's brother who was born after Cain killed his other brother Abel) great-great-great grandson. This Enoch was the one who 'walked with God' (Gen 5:24). Noah is related to both. He is the second Enoch's great grandson. (Gen 4:17, Gen 5)

Who made the first law in the Bible?

Supposedly, the first law in the bible was made by God, and given to Noah. It was the one where they couldn't eat meat which still had the animal's blood in it, or he/she would suffer consequences. It was given after the flood talked of in the bible, when noah offered a sacrifice to God.

Did moses in rhw Bible marry more than one wife?

Sorry, never heard of a 'rhw' Bible.

Why is tehre more than one gospel of mark?

No in the bible there is only one book of Mark.