

Is there more than one type of scoliosis?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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yes look it up.

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Q: Is there more than one type of scoliosis?
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My mom doesn't have scoliosis but can i get scoliosis?

I have scoliosis and no one in my family has had it. So you can get scoliosis even if its not in your family history. There are 3 types of scoliosis, I suggest looking them up, I unfortunatly have the type that no one knows what's causing it. But the 2 other types are well know and if you have it they can probably do more for you than mine.

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Do a stewardes can have a scoliosis?

I'm not sure why stewardes would have scoliosis more than anyone else. It is important to note that scoliosis is a multi-factorial condition that results from a combination of genetic pre-disposition and environmental risk factors, which I don't believe being a stewardes is one of them.

How does scoliosis affect your body?

It depends on how severe the curvature (what DEGREE) is. It can give you back pain, cause your hips to look "crooked", & sometimes your back goes numb (I only speak from personal experience here).

What are the symptoms of scoliosis?

A crooked spine. It is treated with a back brace. One symptom of scoliosis is back pain. One indication of it is the shoulders not being even, one being higher than the other, the ribs being uneven, one hip higher than the other, these all vary according to the severity of the scoliosis and the location of it.

What are the typical symptoms of scoliosis?

The typical symptoms of scoliosis include having one shoulder higher than the other, having one shoulder blade stick out more than the other, having one side of the rib-cage appear higher than the other, an uneven waist, a difference between the length of both legs, and having the body tilt to one side.

How do you contract scoliosis?

It can occur in more than one way:You can be born with it, possibly geneticYou can have an injury or illness that damages your spineOsteoporosisIt may be abnormal nerves or muscles pulling on your spineThere may be no known direct cause that can be proven

Can people be predisposed to scoliosis?

If you have spina bifida, congenital deformation of the vertebrae, or muscular dystrophy, those conditions can lead to scoliosis. Over 80% of scoliosis cases are idiopathic though, which means that know one really knows why some people develop scoliosis. You're more likely to get idiopathic scoliosis if you have a familiar member with scoliosis.

How is scoliosis different from kyphosi's?

Scoliosis is when the spine is twisted or curved (to some degree) which would often make one hip more prominent than the other or your shoulders at different heights. Kyphosis is when the spine actually 'hunches' forward. As blunt and terrible as it sounds, if you have a very high degree of scoliosis, your back may look like a less severe version of a hunchback. I'm no doctor, but I have experienced both Scoliosis and Kyphosis, so this is what I understand them to be.

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Polygamy is a type of marriage where one is married to more than one person. It is usually where a man marries more than one woman but it can include a woman marrying more than one man.

Where can one purchase more than one type of insurance?

One can purchase more than one type of insurance by contacting one's insurance company for more information as well as for other insurance details and pricing.

Is scoliosis a disease or disorder which one or is it both what is it most?

It is a disorder not a disease, I have slight spinal scoliosis, and my friend has major spinal scoliosis.