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Yes there is, you can talk to your doctor about antiviral medication. If the creams don't work for you then you can try taking the medicin.

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Q: Is there oral medication for fever blisters?
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Where can herpes or fever blisters occur in the body?

This disease, also known as oral herpes or fever blisters, can occur anywhere on the body.

What is fever blisters?

Fever blisters are cold sores, on or near the lips, caused by the oral herpes virus HSV-Type1.

Are fever blisters herpes?

Yes, they are a form of this viral family, and highly contaigious.This is Herpes Simplex.

What are fever bumps or blisters?

Fever bumps / blisters are caused by the same contagious virus that causes cold sores which is oral herpes (HSV!).

What kind of herpeswhich one causes fever blisters?

If you are fighting a virus or if you have a cold you might get a fever blister.

Fever blisters and cold sores are known as what type of herpes?

Fever blisters & cold sores are oral herpes, caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1.

Do you get fever blisters from boys?

You can get fever blisters from boys or girls.

What causes fever blisters?

Fever blisters and cold sores are caused by a virus called oral herpes. Different things can trigger break outs like being out in very hot or very cold weather for long periods of time or being run down by stress / illness.

Can working out cause fever blisters?

Working out won't cause fever blisters.

What is the common name for cold sores?

Other names for a cold sore are fever blister, oral herpes, labial herpes, herpes labialis, and herpes febrilis.

What can you eat when you have fever blisters?

fever muffin

Does a fever blister mean you have HIV or AIDS?

Fever blisters, also known as cold sores or oral herpes, are an extremely common problem affecting the majority of adults. They are not a sign of HIV or AIDS.