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No, there really is not a shot that can make you miss a period for just one month. The Depo-Provera shot is administered every 11 to 13 weeks, which can stop your periods for 3 months.

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Q: Is there really a shot that can make you miss a period just for one month?
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Plan out the days you have your period each month. The two weeks before you period starts is when new eggs are forming in your ovaries. That is the time to have sex. Though make sure getting pregnant is what you really want to do. And also make sure you are healthy enough to have a baby.

Is it ok that i have been have been having my period at the beginning and or end of the month i cant really tell which period is for which month any more why is that and is it normalish or ok?

Your period can be irregular sometimes, this can happen for a number of reasons. The foods you eat, the amount you exercise, how much stress you experience, your age, etc can all affect hormone levels that would make your period irregular. But it may help for you to keep track of your period on a calendar. Then you can make sure that you're still regular. It's totally normal to be days off of your cycle, no worries.

Is there something wrong if you have 2 periods in one month?

You might want to see a doctor just in case, most people only have one period per month. It is strange that you have two, so I recommend seeing a doctor, just to make sure there is no health problems associated with this.

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Answer How much does a radiologist make...really? $ 300,000 / 12 (months in a year) = $ 25000/moand that's just assuming that they get an even salary

Is there a tablet for eleven year old to make there period come faster?

No. Enjoy your time as a young woman. Don't rush your period. It will be there with you one week once a month for years and years once you get it. And it it is not just your period but crankiness, fatigue, cravings, weight gain, cramping, etc. along with your period. Just relax. It will come soon enough and after a while you will wish you didn't have your period!

What could be the problem if you've been off the pill for a year and only had four periods during that time but before that your periods were normal?

The pill can really mess with your sytem and make you have a period for a month and then skip. I really can't say but after a year you should be having regular period. I would go see a doctor.

Can you have a period for more than a month?

While you are still getting your period, the first couple of years it can vary. You may get it one month, and for the next year not get it, or it can be there for 2 days, and then stop, and then a week later it will come back. I would ask you doctor though, even just a call can help make sure that it is nothing serious. Yeah if your periods have just started, or within the past few years at least, they'll probably be quite irregular but yes, you can have your period for more than a month. I have a uterine fibroid and had my period for almost 3 months straight.