

Best Answer

This is not listed on the ingredients list but it could be included under "natural flavors".

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Q: Is there sassafras in barqs root beer?
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What gives root beer its distinct flavor?

Root beer is a very good drink, what most people don't know is that root beer is made out of the root of a tree. Ingredients in early root beers included allspice, birch bark, coriander, juniper, ginger, wintergreen, hops, burdock root, dandelion root, spikenard, pipsissewa, guaiacum chips, sarsaparilla, spicewood, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, prickly ash bark, sassafras root, vanilla beans, hops, dog grass, molasses and licorice. Many of these ingredients are still used in root beer today (especially sassafras), along with carbonation. There is no one recipe. Root beer recipes vary tremendously.

Did root beer originally come from Ireland?

Root beer is made from the Sassafras tree, its bark for color and its Root for flavor. Thus it is called "Root Beer". Sassparilla is its name during the temperance years.

What is sasparilla?

It is a drink brewed from the root of the sassafras tree. Also known as Root Beer. Actually it's spelled sarsaparilla not sasparilla.

What are the ingredients in root beer?

Originally the main flavor came from the root of the sassafras tree which happens to smell just like the drink. Sassafras has been replaced by artificial floors in mist root beer now because its been shown that sassafras may not be good for us to eat. Of course there is going to be some type of sugar and carbonated water. There are many recipes for it but vanilla is a really common flavor that's added to compliment the sassafras flavor.

Is root beer carbonated?

No. Back in the days of real, honest root beer (pre-1974), root beer contained oil of sassafras, which was the basis of all true root beer flavor. The Feds discovered that oil of sassafras - used for countless things since the time of our colonial ancestors - would give a rabbit a rash if you soaked the rabbit in it for 40 straight days or something. That was the end of oil of sassafras in root beer, and no root beer since has been harmful to humans - or worth drinking, either. But then it's very doubtful it it was truly harmful to humans before that point.

Do some commercially made root beers contain caffeine?

Yes, It does. Barqs is one of two root beers available in the U.S. with caffeine. The other is less prevalant, and I can't remember it. However, diet Barqs is caffeine free, and one of the coke distributors still distributes caffein free Barqs in the Utah area.

What root is rootbeer originally made of?

Well, I know that it is made from saspirilla roots so that is probably why it is called ROOT beer. Now about the beer, I have no idea. Maybe because it's color makes it look like beer? Maybe you could search it on Wikipedia MSN Google Yahoo! You obviously do have no idea. The first sarsaparilla root drink manufactured and sold was introduced at a state fair. The seller named it "root tea", but was quickly advised that people in the area were unlikely to buy it with that name, so he changed it to "root beer" and it sold very well. Most modern Root Beers are colored with caramel to get that color, the normal color is much lighter.

How much root beer has ever been sold?

As root beer drinks have been around since the 1700s, it is impossible to know how much has been sold since this sassafras-flavored drink came into being.

Does barks root beer have caffeine?

Yes, It does. Barqs is one of two root beers available in the U.S. with caffeine. The other is less prevalant, and I can't remember it. However, diet Barqs is caffeine free, and one of the coke distributors still distributes caffein free Barqs in the Utah area.