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Q: Is there something wrong with Children that draw people without arms?
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People that kill their children have something wrong with them.

Is there something wrong with you if you don't like little children?

No, many people, including myself, are not fond of children.

How does Beveridge answer the charge that governing people without their consent is wrong the charge that governing people without their consent is wrong?

He compares the people of the Philippines to children who are governed without consent

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The pronatalist bias- That only "selfish" and unhealthy people do not have children. Society's view that you must have something wrong with you if you don't have children.

How does albert j beveridge answer the charge that governing people without their consent is wrong?

He pointed out that the United States already does this with Native Americans. He also compared the people in the Philippines to children, who are governed without consent.

What is wrong with people who thinks there is something wrong with them but there isn't?

They're just plain wrong!

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The word is wrong. People carelessly say that something is wrong.

How do people know right from wrong without knowing of God?

Morality is a part of human nature. We learn morality as children, whether we are brought up with religion or not.

What is an idiom for If something goes wrong it probably will?

Murphy's Law: If something CAN go wrong, it WILL go wrong (and usually at the worst possible time). usually seen WITHOUT the part in parentheses

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Neither were married and back then, it was wrong to have children without marriage so they had no children either

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Without a hitch means nothing went wrong, there were no problems when doing something.

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to teach there kids they did something wrong and to teach them a lesson