

Is there such thing as a dad?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is there such thing as a dad?
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it is a thing...that is a thing....that slaps

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evey thing has a dad or mom even asexual reproduction. kuz its still a mom or dad.

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Justin's mom and dad got divorced

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The best way to convince your dad is to get him some thing, or do some thing great for him, for example, You take your dad on a vacation, or buy him some thing. But if that doesn't work for you or your dad you can prove you love him, or if your trying to get a pet but you already have one you can prove to him you deserve another pet by being very responsible. That's always the best way!

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Brutal Sodimy

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The right thing to do is tell a parent, especially your dad.

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His dad was in jail cause he strangled Justin's mom.

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"make them proud"

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it is a family thing his dad has it 2

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person place thing or animal