

Is there such thing as a white meat vegetarian?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Yes. There are many differen types. A white meat vegetarian is a vegetarian that can eat chicken, fish and also vegges.

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Q: Is there such thing as a white meat vegetarian?
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What kind of vegetarian are you if you only eat white meat?

If you only eat white meat and no red meat, you would be considered a pesco-vegetarian, also known as a pescatarian. This means you include fish and other seafood in your diet, while avoiding other types of meat.

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The Best thing to do is TRY not to eat it again.

When was Vegetarian Meat created?

Vegetarian Meat was created in 1990.

What is vegetarian steak called?

A "steak" is a cut of animal meat. There is no such thing as a "vegetarian steak". However, soya or yeast proteans which come from plants can be fabricated to look a bit like meat.

What not to eat when you are a vegetarian?

Meat, fish, any living thing or something that had a face once.

Who never eats meat?

A herbivore or a vegetarian or a vegan never deliberately eats meat.

What does vegetarian meat contain?

It contains mycoproteins which are extracted from fungi (such as Fusarium venenatum) and vegetable flavours to give it a decent taste. Some types of vegetarian meat also add egg white to improve texture.

Will vegetarian children who do not eat meat grow the same as meat-eating children?

They are likely to be healthier! Vegetarians are usually health conscious. The important thing is to eat a complete, balanced diet; this can be done whether you are a vegetarian or not.

What is the difference between carnivorous and vegetarian animals?

Carnivorous- Only meat. Vegetarian- No meat.

Are horses meat eaters or are they vegetarian?

Horses can't eat meat therefore they are vegetarian

What is one thing you have learned that has changed your life?

I've learned that there are things in meat that meat producers and the government are hiding, and now I'm vegetarian.

Is curried pumpkin soup vegetarian?

Yes, as long as there are no meat or sauces containing meat, it is a vegetarian dish.