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Yes, especially if it's unbalanced. For instance, excess nitrogen causes plants to produce lots of leaf at the expense of flowers and roots, and can produce leaf burn. The greatest problem caused by applying more fertilizer than plants can take up, is that rain leaches it out into waterways where it causes rampant plant growth, especially of algae, which block light from the water plants which then die and rot, depleting all the oxygen, so the fish die too. This is called eutrophication.

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Q: Is there such thing as having too much fertilizer?
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Why did your plant die when you have been watering it with fertilizer?

It is possible you gave it too much water or too much fertilizer. Fertilizer can burn the roots.

Is there such a thing as having too much fertilizer?

Yes, it causes cellular damage, and if enough are damaged the plant will die.

Is having a good thing?

Yes, but having too much can be bad.

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There is no such thing as having too much money.

What happens to plant growth when you increase the amounts of fertilizer?

Plant growth will increase when fertilizer is added, in as much as the plant is deficient in the nutrients the fertilizer provides. Most processes in nature has a bell-shaped to its function where too much, even of a good thing, can begin to do harm.

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What would happen if a farmer used too much fertilizer What adverse affects can this have on the environment?

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There is no such thing as "Too Much" self love.

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Too much can burn your grass.

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What will happen to the roots if too much fertilizer is applied?

That not enough fertilizer can be taken in is what happens to roots when too much fertilizer is applied.Specifically, more fertilizer can be applied than can be taken in by the roots. It is left present but inaccessible in the soil. It may damage and burn the roots.

Can too much fertilizer burn a lawn?

YES. The wrong type of fertilizer can burn lawn, too. Read and follow manufacturer's directions.