

Is this a good title and plot for a gothic story?

Updated: 6/3/2021
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11y ago

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The title comes from the story -- finish the story first and you will find a good title from what you've written. Click the related link to learn how to tell if your writing is any good or not!

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Q: Is this a good title and plot for a gothic story?
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This does not sound like a good plot and there no ideas for a title

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Plot just means what happens in the story. Whatever is essential to the story is also essential to the plot. One thing that does make a good story is conflict or tension, though.

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It could not tell you allot, but it could tell you a lot.

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What are some gothic stories?

You're going about this backwards, I'm afraid. The title comes last, after your book is done. Finish the book, then you'll find the title from something you wrote in the plot. If you can't think of anything at that point, you can start brainstorming. Write down 100 possible titles and pick the one that appeals to you the best.Just remember, the publisher might change your title after you've sent it in anyway.Here's a good overview about How to Come Up With a Good Book Title

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the social environment

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Plot isn't necessarily more important than characters. If you don't have good characters, the plot is going to fall flat and the story will be dull or confusing. Plot and character are the two halves of a story.

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Characters, plot, and theme are interconnected in a dramatic text. Characters drive the plot forward through their actions and decisions, which in turn serve to develop the overarching theme of the work. The choices and development of characters within the plot help to reveal and explore the central themes of the story.