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This is a very common question and has recently happened in the US where a man secretly gave his girlfriend a abortion pill. The only one who can decide whether to abort or not is the woman and taking that choice away from her and kill the fetus makes it illegal. For an abortion to be legal you need her consent and a Doctor Who supervise it. You or anyone else does not have the right to the fetus, only she does.

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Q: Is this a rhetorical question If it's murder to attack a woman and kill her fetus why not when a doctor kills the fetus in an abortion?
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Either by miscarriage or abortion (induced miscarriage). For abortion you will have to see a doctor.

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If you want an abortion you have to go see the doctor. A medical abortion is available up to the 9th week and after that a surgical one. The pills you get from the doctor after he has examined you and determined if you are fit for a medical abortion or if you need a surgical one.

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The best medicine is a combo of Mifepristone aka the abortion pill, and Misoprostol. You get them from your doctor. If you don't have a safe abortion provider you can see a doctor at womenonweb.

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Miscarriage on purpose is called an abortion and you have to see a doctor for that. in the US you can find all abortion clinics at

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By a medical or surgical abortion. Speak to your doctor.