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That depends on whether you can easily afford to keep them, but if money is not a problem, then you can never have to many pets! As long as all your pets are properly taken care of and you have time for them all.

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Q: Is this too many pets two ferrets one dog three sugar gliders?
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Are sugar gliders illegal in Utah?

No, sugar gliders are not illegal in Michgan. They are legal to own as pets and many exotic veterinarians treat them.

How much are sugar gliders in Europe?

I think it depends if there are many people selling sugar gliders it may be cheap if there is only one store/person selling sugar gliders in that area it may be more expensive.

What does Zany Zoo Pets specialize in?

Zany Zoo Pets is an pet store that specializes in many different types of pets. They range from dogs and cats, rabbits, birds, ferrets, mini pigs, sugar gliders, to snakes.

How many sugar gliders are in the world?

put a heating pad

Can sugar gliders eat hard boiled eggs?

The amount would depend upon how many sugar gliders are in a cage. I would cut it in half for a pair of sugar gliders. Also remember to balance it with other foods.

How many litters do sugar gliders have?

It varies. Some my have 2 per year or one. The litter usually has 2 or 3 joeys (sugar gliders). Max 4.

Do foxes eat sugar gliders?

Yes. Foxes are an introduced species into Australia, and deadly for many Australian native species, including the sugar glider. Fortunately, sugar gliders are tree-dwellers and foxes are ground-dwellers so there is some measure of protection for the gliders.

How many young are in a sugar gliders litters?

Usually 1-3.

Can you give me a long list of exotic animals?

A list of exotic animals includes Marsupials (such as wallabies, kangaroos, and sugar gliders), European ferrets, Cuckoos, Sky larks, owls, Yellow hammers, Sparrows, cape weaver, and many more.

Do sugar gliders like tree leaves and bark?

This seems to depend on the type of leaves and bark given to the sugar glider, and of course the individual sugar glider. My own gliders love eucalyptus leaves, but I know of many gliders that do not. Before you attempt to introduce any sort of leaves and bark to your sugar gliders, please be sure that it is not toxic, and that it has been properly cared for (no pesticides).

Why are sugar gliders in danger?

Sugar gliders are quite common. There is always the danger of man invading the sugar gliders natural habitat, and destroying it's home land. That is probably the greatest threat to gliders in the wild. In captivity, some gliders are still suffering due to their owners lack of knowledge about this special companion. Gliders can suffer many health problems if not fed the proper diet, socialized, and not given enough room to exercise properly.

Can sugar gliders get along with cats?

It would be taking a huge risk to put them together to find out. Sugar gliders are small marsupials and cats and dogs would probably consider them prey and first kill them then perhaps eat them.Even if the dog or cat did not attack the sugar glider immediately, sugar gliders are fragile animals physically and emotionally. Stress can kill sugar gliders and putting one with natural enemies could well be fatal to it. Avoid putting any of them in unnatural, threatening, or frightening conditions.Cats have evolved over the millennia to be independent hunters and most will kill anything small and defenseless if given opportunity. Some do it for fun, and it matters little what training or upbringing they have had nor how well fed and loved they are when the predator instinct takes over.It is also in a dog's nature to prey upon smaller animals. Some dogs, however, (more so than cats) can be trained and trusted to restrain their prey drive, but others, and especially some from specific breed groups like terriers, can not have the predator instinct trained away.