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Throwing rocks is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of the rocks. The act of throwing simply changes the position and motion of the rocks, but the rocks themselves remain unchanged chemically.

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Q: Is thrown rocks physical change or a chemical change?
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Crushing rocks is a physical property because it does not change the chemical composition of the rocks. It only alters their physical state or appearance.

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Why is throwing rocks a physical change?

Throwing rocks is considered a physical change because no new substances are created during the process. The rock remains a rock even after it has been thrown. The change is only in the position and location of the rock, not in its chemical composition.

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Physical weathering is breaking down of rocks by weather that does not change their chemical components. Chemical weathering is weathering that breaks rocks down by a chemical change.

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Separating rocks and dirt is a physical change because it doesn't change the identity of either substance.

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A landslide is only rocks/dirt moving so it is a physical change.

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Of course not. It is a physical change. A chemical change occurs when the identity of a substance changes.

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Is weathering a physical or chemical change?

Weathering can involve both physical and chemical changes. Physical weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces without changing their chemical composition, such as through freezing and thawing. Chemical weathering, on the other hand, alters the chemical makeup of rocks through processes like oxidation or dissolution.

Rocks are ground to sand a chemical change?

Grinding rocks to sand is a physical change, not a chemical change. In this process, the rocks are only being physically broken down into smaller pieces without altering their chemical composition. A chemical change involves a transformation at the molecular level, resulting in the formation of new substances.