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Chemical weathering.

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Q: What is the name of the chemical breakdown of rocks?
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How is hydrolysis weathering different from hydration weathering?

hydrolisis is the chemical breakdown of rocks as they react with water where as hydration is the breakdown of rocks as they absorb water.

The chemical breakdown of enormous quantities of organic material buried in the sedimentary rocks has produced what type of gas?

The chemical breakdown of enormous quantities of organic material buried in the sedimentary rocks has produced ethane gas.

What is the breakdown of a rocks mineral by water oxygen and carbon dioxide?

This is a chemical weathering.

What scientific name is given to chemical breakdown?

what sort of scientific word ending in sis is given to chemical breakdown

What is the term weathering?

physical, chemical or biological breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller sized particles.

What does the word weathered mean?

Weathering in geology means the chemical and mechanical breakdown of rocks that occurs due to the weakening of these rocks by changes in the environment, such as temperature.

What is weathering is the breakdown of a rocks minerals by water oxygen carbon dioxide living organisms and acid rain?


What are the advantages of frost wedging?

It helps to breakdown rocks without affecting their chemical composition or altering their minerological properties.

Breakdown of rocks?

The breakdown of rocks results in the formation of soil over many thousands of years.

How does mechanical breakdown helps chemical breakdown?

Mechanical breakdown helps chemical breakdown because when you chew, chemical breakdown is going on all at the same time. So, that is going to chemical because if you didn't have saliva (chemical breakdown) if would take real long to digest your food.

How does mechanical breakdown affect chemical breakdown?

Mechanical breakdown makes food smaller so it wasn't be so large for the chemical breakdown.

Is the gallbladder chemical or mechanical breakdown?

Since there is no machinery in the body, it is a chemical breakdown.