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Q: Is tilapia with catnip seasoning safe for wild cats to eat?
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Related questions

What is a kiddie catnip?

it is a cats favorite nip and it is safe to eat

Is catnip banned?

No - catnip is not banned :) Its a perfectly legal high for your cat. You can purchase it as tea for humans, it has no effect on humans, the tea is supposed to be "calming" though like chamomile.

What is the intended purpose of catnip?

Catnip is a intoxicant used to make a cat get silly or playful, kind of like marijuana for cats. Catnip is used for the cat to play with or chew on depending on whether it is fresh or dry. You can sprinkle catnip on top of cat food in order to get the cat more interested in eating their food.

Are soap bubbles a safe cat toy?

Commercial bubbles for children are not always safe for cats. Make sure to buy bubbles specifically made for cats. Catnip scented bubbles are a great choice.

Are fresh catnip leaves safe for your cat?

Yes, they are. Fresh or dried, catnip is safe for your cat.

Are peppermint plants poisonous to cats?

Yes, they are peppermint is related to the catnip family. My cat loves peppermint altoids. Just like catnip though, you want to watch that you don't feed your kitty an OD. Keep the quantities smallish, maybe a quarter to a half mint

Is catnip a drug to cats?

Hahahaha boy what a dilly question! Catnip being a drug for cats is just a funny joke they make in movies and books! They do it for laughter but still don't feed your cat too much catnip you don't want it to Fay do you?

Why do cats eat cat nip?

Catnip is almost like a drug. It's like getting "high" but for cats. There's a particular chemical that triggers this reaction in their brains when they sniff it. However, it is not really known why it effects cats in the way it does, but it is due to a chemical called Nepetalactone that is released from the plant when a cat rubs, chews or otherwise "bruises" the leaves. Some cats aren't affected by catnip, and btw, some big cats are affected by it. It can also relieve stress and nervousness in cats.

What are the uses for catnip for cats?

catnip is sometimes used for the stuffing in cat toys so they play with them more. people spray them on scrathing posts so cats scratch on them.they put them in cat beds so they sleep there more often. the cats are hugely attracted to the scent.

Is farm raised tilapia from china safe to eat and how do I find fish in the US all the fish at my grocery store in Texas was from Asian nations?

the package of panko breaded tilapia I bought does not show the country of origin. Do you get tilapia from China?

Is Costa Rica tilapia safe to eat?

Yes,please try it,it's great!

My cat ate some catnip a few days ago and has been vomiting for the past few days Could she of overdosed on it and what do you do She is not eating?

I would recommend milk diluted with water, and see if she'll take that. If she's been vomiting then she's losing fluid, and it's not being replaced. AS for the ingestion of catnip, once it works it's way out of her system she sould be fine. I would reccommend trying to keep her hydrated until the situation passes. Additional answer: Cats will rarely overdose on catnip. It is not "addictive", and they will turn their noses up at it. However, there is a chance there was something on the catnip- if it is not grown or bought by you. There is also a great chance that she has an unrelated issue. If she is vomitting, give her pedialyte. This is safe for cats, and better than water for keeping her hydrated. Seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible.