

Is time only an Independent variable?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Is time only an Independent variable?
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What is the diffrence between dependent variable and independent variable?

the dependent variable changes with the independent variable. the independent variable only changes when changed by the experimenter. Time is usually an independent variable.

What is one independent variable?

Time is often an independent variable.

Independent variable in measuring heart rate?

Time is the independent variable.

What is an independent variable in math?

An independent variable is a factor that doesn't rely on anything, unlike the dependent variable (which relies on the independent variable). The most common independent variable is time.

Is the independent variable the x value?

Not necessarily. It will be if it is the only independent variable in the system.

Explain Why is time an independent variable and position is a dependent variable in a position versus time graph?

Time is an independent variable because it is affected only by when you decide to stop to read its position (not affected by the position). However, time is a dependent variable since the time you record it affects its result. In simpler terms, independent variable is something you can change to alter the dependent variable. You can change the time (0s to 15s etc.) but you cannot change the position.

What should be the only independent variable?

In most real life cases, limiting an experiment to only one independent variable makes the whole experiment a waste of time. More often than not there are several independent variables.

What is a Factor that is deliberately changed in a experiment?

the anwer is a variable( the thng that will change over time in the experiment

What is measured every time you change the independent variable?

Each time the independent variable is changed, the dependent variable is measured. If the independent variable is time, the experimenter chooses an appropriate interval between measurements. This same methodology is used whenever the independent variable is not something the experimenter actually has in his control.

What variable is always graphed as the independent variable?

x is used a lot to represent an independent variable. When time is the independent variable t is often used as well.

What is an independent variable That has to do with science?

When graphing in science, the independent variable is the variable graphed on the x-axis; the dependent variable is the variable graphed on the y-axis. To determine the name of the variable, one only needs to find the variable changed by the other variable and the variable remaining unaffected by the other variable. For example, someone wanted to find the the increased temperature of water over a stove during a period of time. Since increasing water temperature cannot affect time and increasing time can affect the water becomes the dependent variable and time becomes the independent variable.

What dose controlled experiment mean?

this is an experiment that only one varible is manipulated at a time