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Toothpaste typically contains abrasives, detergents, and fluoride to clean and whiten teeth, whereas dishwasher detergent contains surfactants and enzymes to break down food particles and grease on dishes. While both are cleaning solutions, their ingredients and purposes are different.

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Q: Is toothpaste solution and dishwasher bases?
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Is toothpaste a solution?

yes and no....

What colour would universal indicator turn if added to a toothpaste solution?

Universal indicator added to a toothpaste solution would likely turn a shade of blue or purple, indicating that the solution is basic due to the presence of substances like fluoride or calcium carbonate found in toothpaste.

Does toothpaste solution turns litmus paper blue or red?

Toothpaste solution typically turns litmus paper blue, indicating it is basic or alkaline in nature.

Is dishwasher detergent a suspension or a solution?

Dishwasher detergent is a solution. It consists of dissolved chemicals in water that help to clean dishes by breaking down food particles and grease.

What are the bases used in the home?

- Bleach - Milk - Soap - Toothpaste - Baking Soda

Is toothpaste a suspension or a solution and why?


When bases are in solution with water?

Bases in solution with water will donate hydroxide ions (OH-) to the solution, raising the pH above 7. This process is known as dissociation or ionization. Common bases include sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.

What are bases known as when they are in solution with water?

ionic bases

How do you get black marks from metal tips on furniture legs off of wood floors?

maybe try toothpaste. i accidently put my mum's salad things in the dishwasher and they turned black so i used toothpaste to get the black stuff off. hope this helps!

What ion do all bases have in solution?

All bases have hydroxide ions in solution. They are named as OH- ions.

What some household items that contains bases?

bleach, dishwasher soap, detergent, soap bars

Is toothpaste a is a suspension solution or emulsion?

Toothpaste is a suspension because it consists of solid particles (abrasives and fluoride crystals) dispersed in a liquid (water, humectants, or surfactants). Emulsions typically involve two immiscible liquids, like oil and water, which is not the case with toothpaste.