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Simple Harmonic motion is circular motion.

Look at a graph showing simple harmonic motion... you'll see it.

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Q: Is uniform circular motion a simple harmonic motion?
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Can you say circular motion is a harmonic motion?

Circular motion can be considered a type of periodic motion, where an object moves in a circular path with a constant speed. Harmonic motion, on the other hand, is a specific type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. While circular motion is periodic, it does not necessarily exhibit the characteristics of harmonic motion.

What is the relation between SHM and uniform circular motion?

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) involves an oscillating motion back and forth around a central equilibrium point, while uniform circular motion involves an object moving in a circular path at a constant speed. The two are related in that the projection of uniform circular motion onto one axis can produce SHM, such as the motion of a pendulum. Mathematically, SHM can be described using trigonometric functions that are similar to those used to describe uniform circular motion.

How are simple harmonic motions as a circular motion generated?

A repeated cycle of a tuning fork.

Relation between simple harmonic motion uniform circular motion?

Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion are related in that simple harmonic motion can be thought of as a projection of uniform circular motion onto one axis. The displacement of simple harmonic motion corresponds to the projection of the radius of the circle onto that axis, while the restoring force in simple harmonic motion is analogous to the centripetal force in uniform circular motion. Mathematically, they both involve sinusoidal functions and have similar equations of motion.

What is regular motion?

Regular motion refers to movement that follows a consistent pattern or path at a constant speed. It obeys predictable laws of physics and can be described mathematically using equations of motion. Examples include uniform circular motion and simple harmonic motion.

Is uniform circular motion and circular motion is the same?

No, uniform circular motion is a specific type of circular motion where the object moves at a constant speed along the circumference of a circle. Circular motion, on the other hand, refers to any motion that follows a circular path regardless of the speed or acceleration of the object. Uniform circular motion is a subset of circular motion.

What are the types of circular motion?

1) Pathway of a charged particle when it enters a magnetic field... 2) Pendulum oscillations. (simple harmonic motion)

Is a motion of a hands of a clock a simple harmonic motion?

Yes, the motion of the hands of a clock is a simple harmonic motion. This is because the motion follows a periodic back-and-forth pattern along a straight line (or in a circular path in the case of a clock), with a restoring force that is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position.

Is oscillation of compound pendulum or simple pendulum is perfectly simple harmonic motion?

A simple pendulum exhibits simple harmonic motion

Does a pendulum undergo simple harmonic motion?

A simple pendulum undergoes simple harmonic motion only for small amplitudes because for small amplitudes the motion almost reduces to a straight line motion. Simple harmonic motion means motion on a straight not on curves

What is the motion of a pendulum?

Simple harmonic motion

How to calculate the period of a simple harmonic motion?

by using the formula we will calculat time period of simple harmonic motion